When Jon and Will got back from church I ran up to the store to get me a few much needed Dr. Peppers and it was exciting to get of the house on such a pretty day, even if only for a few minutes. When I got back, our land lords daughter called and said she needed to stop by and get the key to the house next door. Jon and Will were fixing to leave as Lynn pulled up to go to the beach to surf for a while. Something I planned for Jon to get out of the house and have a REAL break. Aren't I sweet?! Anyway, I had James in my arms and was outside talking to Lynn after the boys left. Audrey started crying and once I realized she had reached the point of no return I told Lynn I had to go. So I came in and put James down to change Audrey's diaper. Of course he started screaming. I changed Audrey and put her down to change James who never stops crying when you change his diaper. As expected, Audrey let me know what she thought of that! It was well pass their time to eat so I put them on the floor in the living room to fix their bottles. Note, they are still screaming. Like I said I usually can put one of them in their seats and bounce it with my foot while I feed the other and that keeps them satisfied till their turn. Did I mention I couldn't do that this time?
I was at the point of hysteria because I knew there was no help in site for hours. So I somewhat calmly asked the Lord to help me. PLEASE. I immediatly thought about something Nelda had said about balancing one on my knee while feeding them both at the same time. Something I have never had to do. Not only because I always have their seats available ( have I mentioned that yet?) but because I am always afraid that their heads wont be held up right in the correct position and they will choke to death. Well, I had no choice today. So I looked around and saw the boppy that never gets used. I grabed it and put James inside of it. He looked comfortable enough (still screaming though) and put Audrey across my lap and shoved the bottles into their mouths. Instant peace! Poor bit-bit had tears streaming down her face. Even though I had to let them gulp it down, let some if it stream out the sides of their mouths and only be burped once, I did it. They got fed and they didn't choke to death! Hooray for me! I feel as if I could climb Mt. Everest right now. But I wont because they have to eat again in and hour and a half! Maybe the pads will be dry by then!
You didn't have to clarify with me, Sweetie Pie. I hope u knew that. Been there and got the T-shirt. Actually, now that I think about it, I'm still there. The babies are so healthy and strong! God bless you! Thanks so very much for the wonderful photos and updates. This is wonderful
Absolutely HILARIOUS! Keep 'em comin'!
Hey, L'il Sistah,
To what su said: Ditto.
Only us mothers that wear those badges of courage can identify with your rollercoaster. And, take it with the greatest appreciation for how well you put into words what we THOUGHT, those years ago, in my case, when we were given the incredible responsibility of raising babies. You are worthy.
And, letting Jon go surfing? Well, not only MOTHER of the year, now you're vying for WIFE of the year.
Y'all have the most wonderful relationship. It ain't natural. It's D.I.V.I.N.E.
Bit of Mt. Zion news if you've not already heard it. Brother Michael was liberated to exercise his preaching gift in the stand. YAYYYYY!
Love you all terrible. May God continue to smile on your hearts, home, family.
Dianne (-:
i think james is going to lose mobility soon because he is so fat! they are so gorgeous. and i can only imagine what that scene was like. i wish i could help. but hopefully that won't happen again.
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