Saturday, December 1, 2007

Have you ever been so tired that you just don't know how in the world you are gonna get through this next hour? The middle of the night feeding that is just so brutal? And it is at this point in the night that you and your son are both crying. But then, he throws his chubby little arms around your neck and burries his face in yours. And for a few moments you forget all about how tired you are and your just standing there in the kitchen and suddenly tears of exhaustion turn to tears of joy and you know you can make it one more time!


Becky said...

Been there! but only half as tired as you. Can't imagine two at a time...most impressive. I absolutely adore seeing him hold his little sister. Thanks (and look, I'm first again!)

the ladner family said...

i have also been there! but not nearly as tired as you!! i am sure. but i know it seems like it will never end, but it passes in the blink of the eye!

Laura said...

I had to grin when I read that. I distinctly remember when Ethan was born...him crying and "spraying me in the face" crying...Deron out with the flu... It reminded me of what a dear lady told me about that time. "You'll go and go and think you can't do it anymore ever again! Can't get out of bed to do anything AT ALL...and then, you do." And she was just do just keep on being their mama, no matter how rotten and tired you just do it!