Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Okay here are a few things I have learned over the past month and a half:
1. Never by all that Wal-Mart has of a certain kind of bottle and 10 extra nipples because you have twins and they both eat 8 times a day, until you know that your children are gonna be able to suck on them with out pooping out after 1/2 ounce.
2.Do not buy 8 NUK pacifiers, open and sterilize them because that is what both your niece and nephew used until you know that your children will like them. They both gag on the nuks and now I have 8 pappies that no one will use. Any NUK users out there?
3.Don't buy the biggest can, most expensive formula that Wal-Mart offers until you are sure that it wont cause your children to stay up all night and all day moaning and groaning.
4. Don't buy 1,000 premie diapers because you just know it will take months for your children to grow out of them.
Hey, I know you live and you learn. But honestly living and learning for two at once is getting ridiculously expensive!

The pictures below are of when the kids (and adults) came to visit us in Macon. I honestly don't know who had more fun. The grandparents and aunts who got to see their precious babies in the hospital or these wild indians at the Ronald McDonald House!
We love dong! (aka uncle jon)

Well, he is not a wild indian! Not yet any way! Yes, he is lifting his head up on his own!


Becky said...

Thanks for the tips--very cute!

Dana said...

Know what you mean about wasteful spending. I have honestly probably done hundreds of dollars worth since Allie has been born. Wait til they start eating solids. You will throw away so many jars of baby food it isn't even funny! I am so thankful for your precious babies and how they are just growing and developing by leaps and bounds! Little Audrey is getting to be a little chunk!! Love you guys so much!

Dani said...

Too cute on the tips.

The McDaniel Family said...

Hannah says that the chickens will take the papies! You should send them back with me for Kathleen or Erica. Anyway....this is what Hannah wants to say to Papoopsie Darlin': when you guys are bigger, we are giong to jump on my trampoline and I will let you take a snippy snap in my bed. Audrey, I will teach you how to make muffins b/c they are my favorite. James, Disney Princesses are not for boys, but you can play choo-choo with Matthew. Hannah also wants to say hello to Harrison and Mary and tell them to come back and play at our house! Love y'all!