Thursday, December 20, 2007

I want to share the funny story of when I went into labor with ya'll.
It was a normal monday around here, for me any way. Jon had gone to work and I decided to get out of the bed and go lay on the couch. We had just gotten back from a meeting in Macclenny the day before and I was pretty tired. Nothing unusual. I got up to go use the bathroom and much to my pregnant bladder's dismay, found the water not working. I called the land lord and left a message. By about 12:30 we still had no water so I called Jon to see if he knew of something I could do to make it start running. He told me not to worry, he would see about it when he got home. (I was using the bathroom all this time, just not flushing. Yuck.)
I fell asleep after talking to Jon which was kinda odd, I usually took a nap about 4:00 and my legs felt a little achy. But again, nothing too out of the norm. I woke up about 1:00 and was hungry, so I put some shrimp in the oven and sat back down. When the timer went off, I got up and went into the kitchen. As I was taking the shrimp out and setting them on the counter, I suddenly felt and then heard a HUGE gush. I knew immediatly what had happened but I was in total shock and denial. I was only 31 weeks and I hadn't had ANY pain. I was all alone and totally freaked out. I couldn't get it together enough to decide who to call 1st: the doc or Jon so I called them at the same time.

When Anne answered at the school, I shouted: "Anne my water just broke. Tell Jon to come home NOW!" then I shouted to the nurse the same and she told me to go to the nearest hospital and make sure the twins were okay and then come to Macon. I was frantic because I knew it was to early, they were to small. Then I called my sister, which now thinking about it, probably wasn't the nicest thing seeing how she lives 3 hours from us and what could she really do but freak out herself? But she calmed me down. I was sitting on the couch talking to her when I heard, literally heard, the truck tires screaching down our dirt road. Now you have to be going pretty fast to do that on a dirt road. I saw him come through the gate and almost hit the house! I wish I had had enough mind to have the camera recording him when he came through the door. It was priceless. He had this worried, excited, frantic look on his face and he was hunched over like an old man! He almost didn't know what to do either! I had a bag that while I was waiting on him and hastily packed. Well, I still had not unpacked from Macclenny so I would have been good to go but for some dumb reason I dumped EVERYTHING out onto the bed. When I realized what I had just done, I screamed. And these were the contents that ended up going to the hospital: contact case, solution, brush, deodorant and I think a tooth brush. No clothes. No underwear. Nothing for Jon. No video or still camera. No baby books for their footprints. No car seats. Nothing.

We jumped, well climed, in the van and took off. Oh yeah, in the mean time the nurse had called back and Dr. Durso, who was on call, said to bypass the nearest hospital and just come straight on. Which sounded alot better to me! So we sped around every car, truck, van, semi, red light, cop and while passing the slow ones who would not get out of his way, Jon would give them this nasty look and point at my belly and shout (like they could really hear him!) "she's having a baby"! We live about 2 hours from I-75 so we are travling at the speed of lighting on back roads! Meanwhile, Jon told me that when the principal burst into his room and screamed "your wife's water just broke" he just stared at her and said I know. I just talked to her and told her I would fix it when I got home. "what" she said. And he told her the water was broken at the house. She said "Oh, hold on" and got on the intercom and said "Anne, did Mrs. Mizell say her water or the house water?" And Anne scremed "HER water" when Jon heard that he said He jumped up and ran out! Needless to say, we made to the hospital in time. I didn't even start having contractions until about an hour after we got there. They tried their best to hold the labor off as long as they could. They gave me a steroid shot and some other stuff, well in all visits in the hospital, I've never had so many things hooked up to me!

Mama, Will and Betsy were waiting for us at the hospital when we pulled up and let me tell you it was nice to see some family there for us. We were so frazzled. We couldn't even talk to anyone on the way there we were so nervous. Uncle Hugh did call and really helped to remind me that the Lord is always in control! Well, the rest of the families were burning up the phone lines, especially all those who live out of state, trying to decide what to do since they were trying to hold my labor off. Well, you know the grandparents don't chance nothing, so they all headed that way. Daddy and Nelda made it about 7 or 8 p.m. I think Ronnie and Susan made it about 1 a.m. The next day, all of my aunts and uncles hung out at the hospital and Uncle Lonnie, (since he was so close in Atlanta) Nenie, Becky, Emily, Sydney and Isabella came from Mississippi. I got 2 rounds of steroids in me before James let everyone know he was ready to come. About 4:30 on tuesday his little heart rate kept bottoming out so Dr. Durso decided emergency c-section becasue James was in such destress. Everyone but Uncle Will got to be there for the birth. Poor Will was stuck in class and had his phone turned off. But he got there soon after!

I was proud of Jon. He gets very quesy at the site of blood and he stuck it out with me during the section! He has some funny stories about the whole process, especially the one when he saw the doctor jump on me with his elbow to get Audrey out! I was so worried the whole time that I had done something to make this happen so early. But the more I think about it the more I believe that the Lord was delivering us from something far worse where James is concerned. He was in such destress and had such a HARD time that 1st week getting his blood pressure stable and then finding out about his heart condition. These words come to my mind:1.God moves in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform; He plants His foot-steps in the sea and rides upon the storm. 2. Deep in unfathomable mines of never failing skill; He treasures up His bright designs, and works His soverign will. 5. His purposes will ripen fast, unfolding every hour; the bud may have a bitter taste, but sweet will be the flower.

We went through ALOT of bitter tastes the first month of their life, but the flower really is so sweet!


Beth said...

Amanda, I so enjoyed reading your story. The flower really is so sweet! James and Audrey are so cute! I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas. Having new babies this time of the year is so special, a very wonderful gift!

Laura said...

LOL! I'm dying over here! That is hilarious about him mixing up "your water" with "the water!"

I wholeheartedly agree! The flower is so sweet!

Becky said...

simply precious

Dianne said...

A truly gifted writer can paint such an incredible picture with their WORDS that anyone reading is immediately THERE in the situation, feeling what the author is feeling, feeling what the authors' husband was feeling, feeling the excitement at Jon's school...can you imagine that conversation over the intercom? Water broke?

You are a truly gifted writer. I love going these places with you.

And, your summarization using the words "God moves in a mysterious way...His wonders to perform". No better way to describe how He works.

I think of those words every time I am caught up in a traffic jam, cannot seem to get my act together to go someplace...keep getting waylaid by some event or occurrence. In the past, those calamities would send me into tizzies. Nowadays, I won't say I relish being assaulted by confounding circumstances, but, I do feel completely confident there is a plan and a purpose. I just thank God.

You and Jon do that so beautifully. You cannot relate an experience without ending on such a positive note of appreciation to our Lord and Savior.

I've had some bitter buds, too, but, wouldn't trade those if it meant I couldn't have the sweet flowers that come.

Love you all terribly!

Dianne (-: