Friday, August 29, 2008

My cup runneth over

I've got the kiddies in their high chairs eating lunch while I am posting.
Oprah calls it "multi-taskin"! I am listening to the sweetest sounds ever to be heard on this earth. Right now Audrey is chattering away telling her brother something and every now and then James will throw in a "uhhhh" in response to his chatter box sister. They have got to be the sweetest babies ever. How blessed I am to be their mother and how blessed I am that my husband shares my enthusiasm about me being a stay at home mom. Yes there are stressful days. (streeeeeeessssssfuuuullll) Days that I want to pull my hair out and run deep into the woods and not come back for hours. Days when I wish I had the time and energy to actually fix my hair instead of just pulling it back. Days when I wish it didn't look like Gustav made an early stop at my house. Days when I am lying on the couch after I've "clocked out" at night and suddenly realize that somehow I forgot to take a shower earlier in the day. How does one do that anyway? Days when, well I could just go on and on but y'all get the picture!
But oh the joy that can be found in the role of Mother! My heart is full at this moment. I couldn't be any happier if I tried. I have a wonderful, loving husband and two healthy, beautiful children. Children that won't stop growing by the way. James is crawling and pulling up and I have caught myself getting teary eyed every now and then lately. When Audrey started doing all those things it didn't make me sad; I guess because James was still "just a helpless baby". But now he can follow me out of a room and sit up on his knees and oh he is growing up. They both are. In a little more than a month they will turn 1. 1 year old people! When did it happen? I promised myself that I would never dwell on the fact that children grow up too fast and try to just be thankful that the Lord blessed me with them and live in the moments that we have. Instead of being sad when I think about them not being my tiny babies any more, I try to look forward to all the happy times to come. It works for the most part!

Notice we still have a pappy bandit!


Dianne said...


I feel I'm overstepping boundaries when I comment first...I waited and waited for someone else to post. I waited at LEAST 5 minutes.

The BABIES R gorgeous, 'manda. They seem to have such SWEET temperaments and enjoy the company of one another. I've always heard of the special bond with twins. Witnessed some in my niece and nephew. Beautiful bond. Beautiful children. A WHOLE year, soon. Unbelievable!

Love how YOU love your "job". You rock at this, Little Sister.

Becky said...

With actual TEARS in my eyes I watched that beautiful video. What a wonderful boost to my afternoon (preparing for Gustav and all!). I've said it once, I'll say it again...James is Jon all over again!!!!! Brings back wonderful memories. How long is he gonna think the pappy bandit is funny do ya think? I'm taking bets it'll cease to be cute soon (at least to us, however, it'll always be precious!)

Becky said...

UGH! Sister Diane! I was proofreading!!!

Dianne said...

Well, dear Sis, you know what happens when you

Sydney Sanders said...

I feel competition on who comments first and for the record...I usually tell everyone when I do! It's fair that I don't have access to a computer until after 5:15 (when cross country practice is over!) anyways....all I can say is...I cannot stand how sweet Audge's smile is and James's little hand waving at the camera!

Dianne said...

Sydney, no competition. Seriously. My job is to sit in front of a computer most of my 8 hours. So, I check often and usually allow "blood" kin to be first. But, I just got tired of waiting. Then, kindred in Christ step up. In Him I love.

Anonymous said...

When I think your babies cannot get any more cute and adorable, they do! Wish I lived closer to you so that I could offer babysitting services. You're a great mom, Amanda! Thanks for providing the warm, fuzzy moments.....