Friday, August 22, 2008

Ever lost your wallet?

Yesterday I discovered that I had lost my wallet. I only went to Publix on Wednesday so I called the store but they hadn't found it. I searched high and low and when I say low I mean I went out and dug in the trash thinking perhaps it had been thrown away with grocery bags. But it hadn't. So I had to reluctantly inform my husband that I'd lost it. Now I say reluctantly not because I think he will punch me in the face or shout at me and tell me how irresponsible I am. No I was dreading telling him because I knew he'd find a great deal of satisfaction in me loosing something. You see, my hubby can sometimes be a little forgetful as to where he puts things and occasionally I give him a hard time about it. But only occasionally!Now I have something to tell him that just pains me to think about. This morning as I was packing the diaper bag to drop the kids off at the baby sitter so I could go get a new license, I found my wallet. Yep it was in the diaper bag the whole time. I am seriously considering NOT telling him that little detail but now I guess I'll have to since I just told all of you! I went to get a new license anyway because I had been needing to change my address. Oh and by the way, choosing to go get a picture taken (not to mention a driver's license pic) during the middle of a tropical storm is probably not the smartest thing I've ever done! I begged them to use my old picture because they used my old weight but they wouldn't budge. The lady told me "Nope every time you walk through the door you have to get a new picture" Bologna. I think she just enjoys knowing that she gets to make one more person suffer every time they have to show their i.d. for the next 4 years. James and Audrey are using sippy cups now to drink their juice and they eat table food every night for supper and absolutely love it. Especially my son! He gets so excited at meal time. And I know he has on a pink bib with pink flowers on it but I couldn't find any "manly" ones. We are currently waiting on some from my mom! Audrey tends to pick at it and she will put it up to her mouth 3 or 4 times before it every actually goes in. If it goes in at all. There is usually a whole lot of whatever she was eating in her chair and stuck to her legs afterwards. But its the experience that counts right now anyway, right?! I've got video of them eating peas, rice and peaches. They are really becoming wonderful eaters!

We have had an absolutely wonderful week, I couldn't have asked for a better one! They have been sleeping so good since they are in their own rooms and they play so sweetly together during the day. James still tries to pick at Audrey's strawberry and thinks it is the funniest thing. Audrey still loves to crawl all over James and slap him on top of the head. For the most part they love to be rough with each other, they get a kick out of it. Yes, I know my son has on a pink bib with pink flowers on it.

Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them. Psalm 127:3-5


Sydney Sanders said...

oh yeeaahhh! first to comment! loved the video too too funny! and mannio...i completely understand about losing the wallet. i've actually left my whole purse outta town like 2 hours away at a Ruby Tuesday one time...but luckily my fabulous susu came to the rescue and got it for me! oh and by the way...who is your babysitter??! i'm so jealous that i cant just live there and be the babysitter! jon could be my teacher! i mean why not?!?

Becky said...

We are having a fit at this latest video! Love Jon's cheer at the end. Su, Nenie, and I watched it together. Highlight of the day, without a doubt.

Nenie said...

Wow,Mannio! I wonder if Audrey could use some chopsticks...
Truly, my cup runneth over.

Love Nenie.

su said...

Yes, yes, My Sydney. Why not? Wouldn't it be lovely? I know that you and the babies will always have a special bond- I mean after all, October 2 is the day of the birth of three of the most wonderful, precious, beautiful children in all the world. I think I'll buy some stock or whatever on Oct. 2...God has blessed us thrice, so maybe we'd better not let it go. And yep, Amanda Full of Grace, I've left my wallet on car bumpers and drove away and it still be there, shelves in Dillard's, and it was still there, flown out of the window only to have some one find it and call and return it, under car seats, diaper bags, so the bad news is while you have babies this MAY happen again, but the good news is that there is more good in the world than bad, and God looks out for His little Mothers. When you lose it again, remember to remember that you'll probably find it.

Kathy U said...

I just love to heard the dinner sounds from James. You can tell they really enjoy their food. Keep those pics coming. Us older moms love to see the little ones grow.
Sis Kathy

Dana said...

I can't believe they are big enough for sippy cups!!! Glad you found your wallet. Don't feel bad, I have done the same thing before! Amanda, they are precious! Hope to talk to you soon!

Dianne said...

Hey, Mizells!

Out of pocket for a few days, didn't have computer access so I'm "visiting" each of my fav folks this morning to catch up.

They enjoy food. I recognize that quality. So doeth I. And, it's fun to watch them savor each type and flavor.

Audrey had her "deer caught in headlights" look in one shot. I cracked up.

As you age, forgetfulness becomes your best friend. If I had a dollar...but, like you, I have always had my wallet returned. Not ALWAYS with the moolah inside but with my drivers license, charge cards, etc. and that was gut e'nuf.

Just love this window into your lives. I am blessed to be privy. May God be with you all.

Ms. Robin said...

How precious! Can life get any better than this? I don't think so! Watching those babies grow and learn new things makes my heart want to jump up and dance! You are capturing all those precious moments wonderfully.
Have a blessed day.....and hug the Papoopsies for me. See you real soon at a's right around the corner! Can you imagine how crazy life is right now at the Howell house?????? Yep.......pretty crazy......but that's not unusual, is it? :)

Lots of Love,
Ms. Robin