That is what my daddy has always told us when he starts aggrivating me and my sister! Poor James has been tormented by his little sister from day 1 and until he gets
real aggressive (which I don't see happening any time soon) he will continue to suffer. But and however he is slowly starting to learn to fight back and the scene that unfolded last night in Audrey's room after their bath, had me and Jon rolling in the floor.

When we travel I always pack travel size items such as baby wash and lotion. Well for some reason the little pink bottle of baby lotion has become the toy of choice for my little uns and there is only one so you can only imagine how that went down last night. As you well know Audrey wants and always takes anything that James has in his fat little fist, until last night. He had the bottle of pink baby lotion and she wanted it. (She tends to have the advantage you know since she can sit up on her own and crawl.) James was on his back and Audrey was sitting next to him and started grabbing for the bottle of pink baby lotion and he wouldn't give it up. He had a kung fu grip on that little bottle and even as Audrey got the bottom of it in her mouth he was still holding tight to the top. And man alive did Audrey get MAD! That is the first time ever that she has not been able to take something away from him and it didn't sit too well with her! She tried a couple more times to get it but James wasn't giving it up so she eventually got bored and found something else. I wish I'd had the camera rolling but that is a scene Jon and I wont soon forget!
Speaking of James getting tougher, he is slowly starting to push up on his knees a few times a day and I figure it wont be long before he starts to crawl because he gets so frustrated when something he wants is out of his reach. He doesn't cry near as long as he used to(or as loud) when he falls over and bumps his head! He may be slower on all his gross motor skills but let me assure you his fine motor and social skills (especially his eating skills) are progressing at lightning speed! He LOVES the little fruit puffs; I can keep him occupied for a long time with just those. Yesterday I gave him a Biter Biscuit for the first time and no lie, he wolfed it down in less than 10 minutes! (Audrey barely touched hers!) He loves any and every kind of food you give him!

Another possible title for your post: Girls Rule and Boys Drool
so cute! we miss ya'll. Harrison said she looks taller! i said that's because she was sitting on top of james
Sage advice given from Father to daughters. lol
I love Emily's idea: Girls Rule, Boys Drool. What a hoot.
James and Audrey still remind me of little puppies in their interactions with one another. Sweetest show I've ever seen.
Just wait till James becomes mobile. Which WAY did they GO!
Don't you love cleaning up after biter biscuits? Pretty nasty as I remember it! Next time you're at Wal-Mart, how 'bout buy another pink bottle of lotion, eh?
LOVE this post. The pictures are priceless, as always.
I am astonished and delighted with the wrestling match. I LOVE the pic where she has both arms around his waist as if to say, "he's going down". Wish I could have seen that one in person, but I have a feeling I will have an opportunity as Miss Audrey Face isn't going to give up soon.
Now that is just too darn cute! I feel sorry for Audrey when James has finally had enough. Now that is what I want to see!!
i had to comment on that one picture of audge striking a pose on top of her brother! u go girl!
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