Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Fay, why did you make me clean my refrigerator?

Friday morning Fay rolled in slowly with a few rain showers here and there through out mid afternoon. By the time I started cooking supper she was here in full furry and didn't slack off till Monday afternoon. Our power went out about 7 p.m. Friday and did not come back on until Sunday evening. Yep 2 nights and three days in the sticky, humid, end of August Georgia heat. And my sister chose to visit this weekend as well so we had 4 kids and 3 adults in a tiny little house with no electricity or running water. Ohhhhh what a breeding ground for germs my house was! Seriously it was sooooooooo hot at night; I don't know how in the world people survived with out air conditioning in the South during the Summer. But I now know why people sat out on their porches all the time. It was so much cooler out side but you couldn't stay out there for long or take the children out because you would get soaked in less than 30 seconds. At one point Saturday afternoon it had kinda calmed down some so we let Hannah and Matthew run around outside and play in the rain and jump in mud puddles. Boy they had a blast but I can't post pictures because we let them run around in their skivvies. Come on, we live out in the sticks and we all know playing in the rain just isn't as fun unless you can do it half-naked! Sunday morning Jon had a preaching appointment about 2 hours away, so me and Bets hung around here to go to church at Pisgah. We decided to go to McDonalds to eat breakfast and enjoy some air conditioning. I think they were about ready to kick us outta there by the time we left. Ever gotten ready for church in a McDonald's bathroom with 4 kids screaming in the back ground and then have everything that you just spent 30 minutes doing undone as you run to your car in a seemingly endless down pour? I would recommend it, it's character building!

We finally surrendered to the heat and exhaustion and got a hotel room Sunday night. Ironically that was when our power came back on. Oh well, the kids had a great time staying in the hotel anyway.
Since our power was out for almost 48 hours everything in the fridge and freezer was nasty so I got the immense pleasure of cleaning that out today. If there is any one thing I hate to do around the house it is cleaning out the refrigerator. Just ask my mom, I always put out it off until I know she is coming 'cause she is so good at cleaning out refrigerators! Sure needed you today mom! Fay also gave us 20 inches of rain over the course of 3 days so you can imagine what it looks like around here. Thankfully we didn't have any damage around our house but the county suffered lots of flooding and downed trees and power lines. It's only rained once today so I think old Fay has finally moved on.

Hannah stayed on for the rest of the week so I am extra busy now! We are having a good time though and she really is lots of help with the twins. She loves them and they love her so we're good!


su said...

Good to hear from you again. Pray for us, Gustav has us in his sights.

Dianne said...

Hi, 'Manda,

We were all affected, in one way or another, by Fay. My sister and two nieces had a week-end on Tybee Island. We still did it. Were just limited by the storms in what we could get out and do. We DID eat at Paula Deen's. And, we laughed till we all needed to take two Tylenol and go to bed.

Sounds like the power outage was a gut time for you all. I can't imagine being without water and lights for that long. I have some pamphlets, if you'd like one, on freezer outages and how to determine spoilage. I'll mail it.

The scene at McDonald's made my sides ache again. So glad Betsy was there to assist. And, sometimes, "disasters" deliver a special spirit that causes us to make that lemonade.

Love you all,

Nenie said...

Wow,Mannio.. It may have been raining outside, but inside there was sweet sunshine!
I'm glad you had Betsy to weather the storm with you,and I'm thankful you are all safe. This week you and Hannah will create memories that will last forever.
What joy!

Love Nenie.

His Mercy Endureth Forever said...

We went through the 04 hurricanes in Florida and lost power for 8 days...and girl I feel your pain! We however didn't have the smarts to get a hotel room! We did have running water, but cold showers are the worst! Glad all is well at your house.

Becky said...

cool (and I don't mean beast)