My precious boy's personality is coming more and more alive with each passing day. He has his daddy's natural talent to make us laugh with his funny sounds and hilarious facial expressions! I am sure he will be impersonating his family members any day now!
And Audrey is a girl after her mama's heart for sure. A little while ago I had Paula Deen on (imagine that) and Audrey laid there and watched an entire episode and was just a talking to her. Now I know that it was really just the bright colors and all the movement but I like to think that she is already preparing to create something delicious!
James is just the cutest little thing isn't he? He is on the verge of rolling over on his tummy any day now and Ms. Audrey rolled from her tummy to her back 3 times this morning. The look on her face was just priceless like "Wow, how'd I do that?" I am so thankful the the Lord has blessed Jon and I to be in a position for me to stay at home with them (not that I would really ever think of doing different) because I get to be with them all the time and really see how much they change every day. I wouldn't trade it for all the money in the world!

We have had them covered from head to toe pretty much every day since we brought them home and now that it is getting warmer it is so fun to see their fat little legs and arms exposed. Especially James. He is just a chunk, a solid little man. His hands are HUGE and his toes are so fat and short they automatically curl over! Jon says he takes after his great-papaw, Jimmy, which is just perfect seeing how that is part of who he was named after. He was named after Jimmy and Mr. Ronnie (Ronnie's middle name is James.)
We have had them covered from head to toe pretty much every day since we brought them home and now that it is getting warmer it is so fun to see their fat little legs and arms exposed. Especially James. He is just a chunk, a solid little man. His hands are HUGE and his toes are so fat and short they automatically curl over! Jon says he takes after his great-papaw, Jimmy, which is just perfect seeing how that is part of who he was named after. He was named after Jimmy and Mr. Ronnie (Ronnie's middle name is James.)
Whoa, James looks so much like a cabbage patch doll with that chubby face and bald head! And in those overalls...oh, steal my heart!
I love it that Audrey likes Paula. You know you can send her down to Brazil anytime now and the two of us will cook up a storm.
How I do wish I was closer to y'all! Thank goodness for our little virtual world though!
I concur with Emily in Brazil. How I wish I was closer! New Orleans feels as far away from you as Brazil! But I am so, so thankful to you, Amanda, for your faithfulness with this priceless journal of our Beauties' day to day lives. It means everything in the world to us.
I'm loving those chubby leggs!
Dear Ones,
I am finally getting to the computer more and I loved getting caught up on Audrey and James - they are absolutely adorable. It is obvious you guys are doing a great job. And Amanda, how sweet of you to give time you could be having a break to keeping us all updated. I know you loved having all your family together at church. What a special day! John - I'm sorry we couldn't work out a plan when you were in Plant City. Please let me know if you are ever anywhere in this area again. I'd love to see you. Thank you for even considering making the trip down here.
Love and blessings to all of you -
Aunt Nelda
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