Monday, February 11, 2008

Home Sweet Home
I don't even know where to begin really. Two weeks ago, my mom came down to help out around the house and take care of the kiddos because me and Jon felt like we were coming down with a cold. We never got to terribly sick but it was a welcome relief to have mama here and basically take over for a few days! It was the first time that anyone has come to help that I totally let them take care of it all! Although I was scared to death that James and Audrey were gonna catch whatever we had, it was kinda nice to feel so bad that I didn't WANT to do anything! Ha, well that didn't last long! Thanks Nanny B for all your help! Last Sunady my mother took me and the twins to my sister's and from there we struck out to Birmingham. My daddy said we were awfully brave to travel at night with just the two of us and 4 children under the age of 4! Thankfully, it never got to terribly bad. Although a few times we both had to go to our "happy place" (if you are a mom you know what that is!) And the one time we had to stop to feed and change diapers it got pretty bad. Bets had to take her 2 in to the bathroom because Matthew had an accident and it got pretty much everywhere. While she was gone, James and Audrey decided they were BOTH hungry and started screaming so loud I thought my ear drums would just go ahead and burst. Screaming children in enclosed spaces is horrible! And when she came back I was sitting behind the steering wheel feeding them both. Don't ask me how I got there, the whole process is still kinda blurry! But we made it in pretty good time and had a wonderful week at Grandaddy and Nonie's!
Below is Grandaddy and Audrey.

Hannah Grace was SO excited to get to be with the twins she could hardly contain herself most of the time. She named herself the "big babysitter" because she got Audrey to stop crying in the car ride over by squeeking a toy in her face! She was very concerned with the strawberry on top of Audrey's head, she thought it was hurting her. And one time she asked me "Aunt Manda, why they put that on her head like that?" I never did find out who "they" are!
James and Audrey experienced their first trip to the mall while in Birmingham! They really had fun looking at all the people and lights and hearing all the noises. Monday mid-morning was a great time to take them since it wasn't to crowded! We had 3 strollers, 4 kids, 2 diaper bags and 4 adults. It was a grand caravan traveling through the mall that day! We got so many "oohs and awwws" it was a great time!

Below is me, daddy, Matthew and the twins getting ready to go into the mall.
We had a busy week and busy weekend with lots of company so I have many more pics and stories to tell! But I don't promise everyday posts. It has been kinda hard to re-adjust to being here, alone all day. And the kiddies aren't to happy with being in their seats or swing just yet. For 2 1/2 weeks now there has been someone around them all the time to help out and hold them, so they are a little unruly today. Audrey hasen't wanted to nap or be put down (she is finally asleep now). James is okay so far today as long as he isn't hungry!


Nenie said...

Mannio, you continue to amaze and delight me! Yes, you and Aunt Betsy are indeed brave, but you couldn't have done it without Cousin Hannah. Those memories that you made(and recorded) will be with you always. We eagerly wait for your sweet journal entries.
Love Nenie.

Tara said...

Glad you had a great trip. I'm kinda jealous you went to Birmingham (thats were we are from!) So were you at the Galleria or Brookwood Mall? Hope you have a great day!

Amanda said...

Tara, I didn't know y'all were from Birmingham!! What part and what church? Maybe one day we can caravan somehow together up there!
And we were at the Galleria that. I love that mall!

Tara said...

Im up for caravanning any time! Email me so we can see how all we are connected in the birmingham area.

'B' said...

I loved every minute I had with you and the twins! I'm sorry you both were sick but I was glad to spend the time with Audrey and James. Their smiles are so precious! I had twin withdrawal when I went back!
Love 'B'