1. Dirty diapers
A. Number of dirty diapers changed in a day
B. Amount of poop in the diaper
C. Smell of the dirty diaper
2. Spit-up
A. How many soaked bibs changed in a day
B. How many soaked outfits changed in a day
C. How many clean burp cloths retrieved from the drawer in a day
D. How many times the floor, rugs, and furniture get wiped off in a day
E. How fast you can catch it and how much of it you can catch in your hand before it hits the floor.
F. How many times you have to move furniture to clean behind it in a day
3. Bottles
A. Number of bottles prepared in a day
B. How fast you can prepare those bottles
C. Number of bottles washed in day
4. Pappies
A. How many times you stick a pappy in a screaming mouth
B. How many circles you go in looking for the pappy
C. How many times you hear the unmistakable sound of pappy hitting floor and stoop down to pick it up
I personally have earned a thousand for each category just this week alone!
that is so clever amanda! i bet you can beat all of us hands down. i know exactly how you feel when that pappy hits the floor too!
Oh, fun! I want in. Okay you can have all those badges you listed. And then maybe I can get "Most Time Spent in a Swimsuit in the Months of Jan/Feb"!
Hmmm..okay, actually I guess that's totally different. And why do I get this sneaky suspicion that I am about to get one of those extra loaded, super stinky dirty diapers thrown at me through cyber space??? ;) Hehehe
Ya know what though? I would happily trade with you for a day just to get to spent some time with those precious little things! I love that first picture where they are looking at each other-such cuties! Much love sent y'alls way!
Can you smell the diaper yet?
entirely too much fun, :)
LOL Ahhhh, that's what that was! And here I was blaming it on my husband! (Oh, boy I really hope he doesn't read your blog today! HA!)
My daddy does most everything for me. He's already earned Eagle Scout.
Toot Toot
hey, I was Brownie and Cub Scout Dean leader. Does that count? You definitely win merit badges for 2008- maybe I can get a badge for 1988!!!!!!!
Mannio, you are sooo smart! What a great idea! It sounds unfair, though; what about badges for babies? For instance, how many diapers can I wet-poop in a day? And how many bottles can I empty in a day? How much spit- up can I spit up in a day? How many times can I lose my pappy in one hour? I think you're on to something, Mannio! Just don't be using those babies to get YOUR badges. Love Nenie.
Nenio, unfair? Really? Come now. Babies don't have to exert any physical effort for anything that they do so actually I should get double badges: mine and theirs!
love you :)
I think Audrey is trying to hold James' hand. P-R-E-C-I-O-U-S!
I have to make a confession...I'm badgeless. Maybe I can get a training pendant in two weekends?
As a former girl scout, let me say I'm a little miffed that you all seem to be taking badge earning so lightly. I remember distinctly having to melt a marshmallow on a stick over a roaring fire just to earn the cooking badge, asking my mom to take my cookie order form to work so I could earn the cookie badge, and even learning to dog paddle to earn the swimming badge. Come now, Amanda, is mothering twins REALLY that difficult? I rest my case.
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