Monday, January 21, 2008

Sweet SleepDon't you wish we could all sleep this relaxed? He had just gotten finished eating when Nenie called me in to see how cute he looked! It is very hard work for a little boy to eat so much! We so enjoyed Nenie's time here and the children really took to her. I think they knew how much love their great-grandmother has for them. This was Nenie's first time getting to see them outside of the hospital and I think she was quite taken with them! Above is James laughing and smiling for the first time at his mobile. It was bitter-sweet though because he was fixing to get his RSV shot right before this was taken. But he took it in stride, just like he always does. To have had such a rough start, my children have really taken off! The Lord has blessed them ever since their arrival into this world and He continues to do so on a daily basis. Even during our darkest moments with them in the intensive care unit, we could still look around us and see that our children were so much more blessed then alot of the other babies in there with them. I often wonder about alot of the children and their parents that we struck up friendships with and how they are doing. James and Audrey were tiny when they were born but they were still some of the biggest babies in there and they got to go home sooner than most.

Audrey can hold her head up so well now and we are amazed at how strong she gets with each passing moment. To have been so premature, both of them are growing by leaps and bounds; another wonderful blessing. Dr. Walker told us they will probably be 2 months behind until 18 months of age so not to worry if they don't meet some milestones on time. But he also said he didn't believe that it would take them that long to catch up and Jon and I agree.

Above is how excited James was at the prospect of going shopping for the first time. He sacks out very easily and always does so with his mouth wide open. I think it is safe to say James does not lack the sleep that his parents do! Su-Sue is expected to arrive on Wednesday and I am looking forward to maybe getting a whole nights rest! The grandmothers are so wonderful about watching them all night so we can sleep! The last time we both got to sleep all night was when my sister came for Christmas, so Su-Sue we are READY for you!
My crazy husband and his crazy brother were going to Jacksonville today to go surfing. Yes, they knew how cold it is going to be today. They got up and checked the report about 7 this morning and I was so glad that the surf was flat! So, they went back to bed and I haven't heard from them since! Now, maybe Jon can go to Sears and buy our new washing machine so we won't have to wear our clothes inside out for much longer. Just kidding! It broke on Saturday so we haven't had to go to those lengths yet!


Beth said...

Hey Amanda, Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am sure your daily events are very much the same as mine, times two. I can't imagine missing all the smiles and cooing though.

Your babies are precious and growing so fast. I love reading your blog! I think about you often.

Take Care,

PS. Our Dads preached together Saturday, I think they are both crazy about their grandchildren!

Becky said...

I'm so jealous of SuSu and Nenie, but I'll be there soon! Can't wait to kiss those fat cheeks!

Ms. Robin said...

Hey Amanda Grace,
I just HAD to check your blog this morning and see if you had new pictures posted.......I will have to tell you......I see "mischief" hidden in some of those peaceful looking baby smiles...........For some reason, I keep having flashbacks of a little girl that had the SAME identical smile on HER face when she was very young too! They are so adorable........just like their sweet Mama was.........and still is. (I'm not leaving Jon out.....I see that they look like their Daddy too !) :)

Take care........and keep those Papoopsie Darlings warm.
Lots of Love,
Ms. Robin

Dana said...

How precious are they? Sorry about your washing machine. Hopefully your new one will last a VERY long time! Hope yall have a wonderful visit with Jon's mom. So glad to see the little darlings doing so well, and am so thankful that God has blessed you with peace from above through your hard times.

The McDaniel Family said...

OK - looking at Audrey Grace is just like looking at Hannah Grace! It's unreal how much they look alike in their baby pictures. And James looks like someone shrunk Jon's head and squished his cheeks just enough to make you want to kiss them. Can't WAIT to see the cousins together for the first time! Talk about photo shoots! I almost got in the car to surprise you today when John cancelled my appointment, but then Buddy called and he's loosing his we'll see you in a week - I'm just praying everyone stays well!

Ms. Robin said...'s ALREADY Wednesday........and no new pictures of the darlings?????........and no new updates of the "new" Mizell lifestyle?????......I'm sitting here ready to see some new pics and read some new stuff. ......OK..."Mama"......get busy!!!!(in your "spare" time....ha ha....) You're thinking, "What spare time"?.......
.......I'll give you a few more hours, and then I'm checking the web...........

I LOVE YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):):)

P.S. Please tell the "darlings" that Ms. Robin has lots to tell them about their sweet Mama and lots of hugs and kisses waiting.........