Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Mama To The Rescue!
Well, it sounded good in my head last night anyway. Jon is a night owl so he has been tending to the children(if they stir) until he comes to bed which is really nice for ol'mama! About 2 a.m. I heard Audrey crying and when I saw what time it was I thought "Poor Daddy, I'll go help him he doesn't know what to do with her" so I did. At least I thought I did. I rocked her for a few minutes then decided she was just hungry so I fixed her a bottle. She ate and we rocked again, this time for about 15 minutes. About the time I realized something was different than the usual nighttime awakenings, she sat straight up and looked at her daddy and started laughing. The child was wide awake and ready to play. We were flabbergasted and decided the only thing we could do was let her play and wear herself out. Jon said it only took her about 45 minutes(yeah I went back to bed!). Wouldn't have been so bad if it weren't in the middle of the night! We will find out tonight if it was just a fluke or if we are in for some long nights. I hope it was just a fluke because I am not in the mood to be up letting her "play it out" or if worse comes to worse "cry it out". I JUST got rested up from last week!
James had a good day and a good night last, thank goodness! He was turning circles in the floor last night after his bath, going from one toy to the next! They had a ball this morning in their room while I was cleaning up in there. I don't know how it happens because they can't even walk and talk yet but their room is the junkiest one in the house and each time I clean it up I promise myself that it wont ever get like that again. Yeah, well I'm sure I'll be doing it again in a few weeks!
Audrey was trying out her cover up for the beach this morning! I only put the hood on her head and somehow she got one arm through a sleeve!


Becky said...

How can they possibly keep getting more beautiful!?? Love this post. Those beach bums better be ready for lots of kisses! Can't wait to see y'all...

Sydney Sanders said...

how cute yo babies r! i've been missin' them SO BAD lately! I'm thinkin' bout moving in with yall and being your nanny! I'll play with audrey at night! haha Jon ncould be my teacher! You 2 work so hard and r such wonderful parents! i love you guys!

Amanda said...

thanks syd i'll take you up on your offer but we can't tell ol'daddy he would get soooo offended!!

Dianne said...


Tell me the specs on your digital camera. I've NEVAH seen more gorgeous photos...EVAH! Course the subjects of your "shoots" can't be replicated. One of a kind...well, two of a kind...angelic babes.

LOVE the camo hat on James. And, Audrey's swimsuit cover-up. What gorgeous little peeps. How can you ever get ANYthing done when you could be sitting in the floor playing?

Dianne (-:

Emily said...

Such cutie pies! I want to kiss those big ole cheeks so bad!