"Oh For Crying Out Loud"
Now say that out loud, in your best Scottish accent and you will say what Jon and I say all day long to our children. "Oh for crying out loud Audrey you were just in the best mood, what happened?"OR "Oh for crying out loud James you used to love that game, why are you screaming at me?" But don't you know secretly, in their little minds they are saying "Oh for crying out loud mother, must you take ONE MORE picture of me? That dumb flash is making me go blind. Honestly."He was attached to his daddy like leech today. Did not want to get down for some reason. I reckon he was in protest against me for taking his picture so much! He was just chillin on top of his daddy and would play with his hair and talk to it and then squeeze Jon around the head! It was precious.
We are heading out again tomorrow, down to the Crescent City so we wont be around for awhile. Hope every one has a wonderful weekend and a great week next week. I will. I wont have to worry about laundry or dishes or sweeping or mopping or vacuuming or..........y'all get the idea!
And maybe, just maybe, me and my darling husband will get to go on a date; or maybe two dates if we're lucky!