Monday, February 7, 2011

20 Weeks

Tookie and I had our 20 week check up today and everything checked out wonderfully!! She is still a she and has 10 fingers, 10 toes, 2 perfectly formed legs, feet and far nothing shows any reason for any one to be concerned about anything which is news we had been praying for!

Her first tootsies shot, my personal favorite. I wuv me some baby feet!!


su said...

I already see how beautiful she is, and I am in tears! Thank you, Lord!

Sydney Sanders said...

Tookie! Will she ever get here!?!

Becky said...

she looks like me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dianne said...

Such a sweetly formed face; perfection as far as I can see. You are past the half-way mark, 'manda. She'll be a springtime child. My Mama, my GRANDmama, would've been struck with disbelief to imagine viewing a baby inside the womb. We've come a great distance. Marvelous technology. Man can take "pictures", but, God creates.

the ladner family said...

she looks beautiful!