Friday, October 30, 2009

Fall Festival

Yes, yes I know. I've fallen way behind on my blogging. I came down with some kinda something (again) last Thursday and felt pretty much like I'd hit the bottom of the barrel until Wednesday this week. I was a total slacker in all area's of my life while I was sick those few days. The only housework that actually got done was loading and unloading the dishwasher. My children ate nothing but junk food, fish sticks and ravioli. Jon and I ate either leftovers or takeout (which gets pretty darn old) and after all the hard work I just described to you that I had to do, I had no energy left to be creative! It's really ridiculous how fast things get junky when you don't stay on top of it and even more ridiculous how your house can go from semi-clean to looks-like-nothings-been-done-in-3-months-around-here the minute you start to feel bad! Needless to say, I had to get a shovel and dig the house out of the junk that piled up. After almost a month of being sick then feeling better for a couple days then being sick again, I think I've whipped whatever it was that had a hold of me! Jon and the kids are well, for the record!During one of my "Oooohhh I think I'm getting better" moments, we went to the Fall festival at the school where Jon teaches and the kids just had a blast. There were a few little things for the kids their age to do, most of which rewarded them with candy, and tons of kids their age to play with! From the moment we got there James was wide open. He was so into it, running here and there and every where, only stopping to make sure I was behind him every now and then! It took Audrey a little while to warm up to the idea of so many strangers and so many things to do!James got up on one of the jungle gyms all by himself without even thinking about it and he even went down a big twisty slide all by himself! The duck pond was their favorite activity but to them it was the pond duck! (They were really moving so fast most of the time that I barely had time to get any good pictures of some of the stuff they did.)It was cold and windy that day, the one day that's actually felt like Fall around here the entire month of October! There were a lot of people there and some of the lines were really long(well, long to parents with two totally wired 2 year olds that don't understand the concept of "lines") so we didn't do everything there was to do but we did enough to wear them out, despite all the candy they consumed!


su said...

Great to hear you're better! Love the pictures...of course, can't pick a favorite.

Dianne said...

Glad you're feeling better. Love the report of the twins at the festival. What delightful first-timers they are. So many first time events for them. You do a good job of capturing their "take" on these happenings, too. The last shot, the parting shot, just crunched my heart. Daddy Jon and L'il Audrey walking away from the camera. Priceless.

Rachel said...

I love the last pic! It's my favorite!

Sydney Sanders said...

How fun! I loved the last picture of course and saw some on Facebook. So fun! Glad you're feeling better.