Friday, October 16, 2009

Let them eat cake

More tales from the terrible two's: James doesn't really have an attitude problem, I'm pretty sure he is gonna be the "easy" child (crossing my fingers, knocking on wood.....)! He does, however, think that he is a monkey(and a big monkey at that)and climbs on everything these days i.e. the dining room table, all the chairs, the toy box, the toilet, his crib. He's also like a chipmunk and gets into any and all food that gets left out within reach of his chubby little hands! I was putting clothes in the dryer the other day and heard the distinct sound of tinfoil being peeled back. I knew I'd better not waste any time on this one and ran into the kitchen to find one of the little birthday cakes on the floor (obviously I didn't have it pushed back far enough on the counter!) with 4 little hands in it. Audrey barely had any on her face while her brother had it all over his face and hands and the floor. He must of known he only had a small window of time to eat that cake and stuffed it in as fast as it would go!


Dianne said...

Say what you will, Momma, then post the picture...James with that lopsided grin...give that baby ALL THE CAKE he wants! These posts give me a smile MOST days. Love 'em. Love you'ns.

Tara said...

That is an adorable picture!

Sydney Sanders said...

How cute! Let him eat his cake!

the ladner family said...

i love this! they are adorable. i know 2 is hard but at least they don't backtalk yet. i don't know what's worse. i can just see his chubby hand eating that cake and trying to hurry before u got in there!

Danette said...

I need your mailing address please. We are so thankful for Jon's comments at Aunt Judy's memorial service.
Sister Danette, Macclenny Church

PS I enjoy keeping up with your family thru the blog!

Anonymous said...

Man o man did you capture it! The look on his face is perfect!..."I got caught"...