Thursday, October 15, 2009

Terrible Two's

Or Battle of the Will's. Either way it has been rough around here this week. My oh my I feel like the mother of two month old twin infants, not 2 year old twin toddlers. I swear, I feel like I did when I was getting up every 3 hours in the middle of the night for an hour(or more) at a time to feed and change diapers. I feel like I did when they wouldn't stop crying and I didn't know what to do. I feel......powerless, helpless and overwhelmed. Perhaps it is because I haven't gotten much sleep in the last 3 weeks due to this relentless sinus mess that wont leave me alone and decided to over take my children's little nasal cavities a week and a half ago. Perhaps it is because once again my house never stays clean, especially the floors. (I am lookin forward to sock wearing weather.) Maybe it's because my children, mainly Audrey, wont stop crying, whining, or fussing. Audrey has this new attitude of "Well if I can't have it or if they say no, I'll just starting crying and get louder and louder and then I'll throw myself on the floor to really make it look bad. Or if they tell me to do something that I don't want to do like say please or get my diaper changed, I'm gonna scream NO and not do it. I might even swat at them with my cat like paw." Iron will, that child. Iron will. I keep telling her "You've met your match dear. Where do you think you got that iron will from, hmm? And who do you think invented that look? You don't scare me and I will win." But on the inside I am trembling because I am scared. She may have inherited that iron will from me and I may have invented that look, but having it and trying to tame it, shape it and channel it in the proper direction are two completely different things.
I have this amazing, beautiful, bright, bubbly little girl and it's my job to train her up in the way that she should go. It's a tall order being a parent sometimes!


Tara said...

Bless your heart! Two going thru the terrible 2's at the same time, oh my! I will say some prayers for ya.

Emily said...

Is it wrong of me to giggle? I just keep imagining Audrey raising one eyebrow and shooting a look of disgust your way . . . sorry. But the image is almost too much for me to handle. ;)

If you think this is fun, just wait until she's a teenager. hehehe

(Yes, I know. Laughing at your little firey-one only sets me up for some nasty karma in my very near future . . .)

Anonymous said...

Amanda, I feel bad for you but I'm here to tell you that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Carrigan is the most strong willed child I have ever seen. She is beautiful and smart but when she wanted it she wanted it. There were times I told Tony I was going to call Super Nanny or a psychiatrist because I was sure she was the only 2 year old who acted that bad! But then she turned three and everything got better. She is not perfect, but at 3 you can reason with them. It will get better I promise you. Hang in there sister.
Love, Amanda McCook

Becky said...

Forget giggling, I'm full-out laughing. I'm not even gonna apologize.

Dianne said...

The picture of that grinning, gorgeous little neophyte in the bubble bath disputed everything you said. Hands over my ears, eyes shut. A precious little "pup", 'manda! lol

Amanda said...

Tara and Amanda, thanks for the encouragement! As for the rest of you, well, you ain't right. You just ain't right! :)

Laura said...

Amen, sister! Especially on that last part...

Hannah can be loud and proud, but she's generally more passive with her two-year-oldish ways. My boys were much more up-front with that stage.

I'm not sure which has been worse. Knowing EVERYTHING they're thinking or NOT knowing everything they're thinking.

We shall see...

Sydney Sanders said...

Too funny!