I bought a blow up pool for the twins a couple days ago and finally got it blown up and took them out to play one morning. They loved it! We have well water here and it was really cold and I was afraid they wouldn't like it but it didn't seem to bother them. I did let it warm up for about 15 minutes before I put them in, but even still, it was pretty cold. I figured I'd better put a "happy" video on here just to let everyone know that we do have good days around here and I wouldn't want to be any where else in the world but here with my darlings. The "Over the rainbow" days definitely make up for the"Oh for cryin out loud" days!
Mama's getting gut at this video clip business. Loved the music. Perfect accompaniment for such joyful sights and sounds.
LOVED Audrey's little ruffled bottom and James "breast stroke" that left him with sputtering and choking sounds.
Beautiful family...that's not news for you. The babies are surrounded with much love and beauty...people AND places.
AW! Mannio! I LOVE the video! So sweet!
LOVED IT!! It brought tears to my eyes because I can remember when you first found out you were having twins and I knew you wanted them SO SO bad! Now you have two little angels and I know that they are the light of your life!
Love the video! Thanks!
wow,Mannio! That is a beautiful video! Keep it coming;your fans love you. Looks like James knows his way around those swimming pools!
But don't be choosing such songs, you had me from "Somewhere". WOW!
Love Nenie.
Wow. Wow. Wow.
Wow, Amanda! What a precious video! Makes me realize how fast they grow!
Y'all are such a sweet family!
Amanda Grace,
This video is not just "Over the Rainbow".......it is "Over the TOP"! Precious pictures filled with love.
I love you all..........
Ms. Robin
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