Dr. Walker was very pleased (once again) with their progress. When I told him that they both can roll from their stomach to their backs he was very proud and said that that is a 4 month milestone so they are ahead of their time. (remember that they were 2 months early which means that they can be 2 months behind in progression) What a blessing! My little babies aren't so little any more!
They also had round 2 of their immunizations today which was quite a circus seeing how I was BY MYSELF! Whew! I'm glad that is over and unless I have to (like today) I don't plan on doing that again until they can walk and talk and go to the bathroom by themselves and tie their own shoes and crawl into chairs on their own etc.etc.etc......Seriously though, it wasn't as bad as I had feared it to be. Last night when I realized I had to go alone (everyone I know within a 200 mile radius is sick) I started to panic but remembered that you can not panic (especially with twins) or you will simply be worthless to yourself, your children and everyone around you. So, I started praying to the Lord that He would bless me with calmness and peace and He certainly did. I was amazingly calm and ON TIME this morning.
They love to play with eachothers ears!On the gloomy side, James and Audrey have a little cold. They are still coughing and sneezing and are really cranky at night. And poor James can barely cry. As soon as he starts to get loud his little voice gives way and all you can hear are raspy little cries. If it weren't so pitiful to listen to I would be enjoying the break from level 4! Since they are so young still there is no cold medicine for them so we have to give them Simply Saline a couple times a day, sit in a steamy room a couple times a day and he said we could give them Tylenol every 6 hours to help their feelings. Maybe I can get some sleep tonight. All the rest I got from being sick is totally tanked!
Way to go Mommy! Taking them both to the Dr. by yourself this morning. I guess you do what you got to do and Thank God for giving us the strength and the patience to do it, huh! So glad they are doing great. They are growing up way to fast. Hope their colds get better really soon!
So, did the doctor happen to clear them for delivery to Brazil yet? Or maybe you could just figure out a way to make them stop growing up so fast until I can get there. I want to meet babies, not sassy little toddlers! :)
Ooooohhhh, I know you know, but WOW they are just so gorgeous!
I'm giving you a virtual high-five. You GO Mama!
I had four children. And, I was pretty much designated parent through their developmental years. Times have changed. Daddies do as much, in most homes, as Mommies. But, back THEN, Daddy went to work and Mama raised the chirren.
I admire your resilience. Your spirit of adventure. Your belief that God sprinkles or POURS grace on each situation as you need.
Love you all terrible,
Dianne (-:
Blessings from the Lord, every one of the milestones! Hope they feel better soon. No medicine like their mama tho'. 'B'
See - I knew you could do it "all by myself"! I told Hannah James and Audrey have a cold today, and she said we should send you Matthew so all the sick babies could play together and she could have some "tatention" from me! What do you think? Ready for one more sick one? J/K Anyway...they look so cute in their big cousin's hand-me-downs....glad to see they fit! Give Papoopsie Darlin's a feel better hug and kiss from Aunt Bets and tell them I said to SLEEP!
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