RSV season is apon us. If a baby is born 32 weeks or less then they are required to have monthly shots to prevent it. They had their 1st shots in the hospital and a nurse will be coming to the house next tuesday to give the one for this month. (They will come to the house every month) RSV is basically pnemonia for infants and of course, can be fatal. So the Pediatrician has pretty much quarinteend (?) us untill the season is over which unfortuantly isn't until April. Which means no church, no shopping, no Holiday's and no visitors. If they get sick they will go in the hospital for no LESS than three days. And we NEVER want to go back to the hospital so we go to the doctor and back and we will ride with Daddy to the Christmas tree farm for our tree but won't get out. We have to go and help him pick it out since it is their first Christmas. Yes, the Holidays will be a little lonely this year, but we have ALOT to be thankful for so we won't complain.
How handsome is my son? Again, the outfit courtesy of Aunt Betsy. I love it because it makes him look like such a little man. I was getting tired of having nothing but sleepers to put them in during the day.
Okay, not to brag or anything, but do I have the most beautiful daughter or what?!!!!!
I can see a little bit of myself in these pictures, especially the last one. The outfit is courtesy of
Aunt Betsy. She owes me ALOT for all the outfits I bought Hannah when she was a baby and I
think she started off well, don't you?!!!!!!
How handsome is my son? Again, the outfit courtesy of Aunt Betsy. I love it because it makes him look like such a little man. I was getting tired of having nothing but sleepers to put them in during the day.
James has his first appointment with the pediatric cardiologist tomorrow afternoon. Please pray that everything will check out either A-okay or just the same. Nothing new.
I wish that my camera's battery was charged right now so you all could see what it is like when twins cry at the top of their lungs at the exact same time. Talk about chaotic! James can sleep through Audrey's little hissy fits but when James is making comotion (?) he almost always wakes bit-bit up which is what has just happened. So, I must go for it is very hard to concentrate when you have two babies sounding as if they think their mother has gone and forgotten them!
Oh my goodness! They get more beautiful every day! It looks like I'm gonna have to go shopping, though. Wouldn't want the babies to think only Aunt Betsy loves them!
How beautiful are they! Audrey looks like she is catching up with James. Her cheeks look a lot bigger!!! Thats okay if they take after the big cheek side of the family. They are so precious.
An avalanche of emotions...they're so BEAUTEMOUS! And, yes, 'Manda, Audrey looks like her Mama and James a chip off his Daddy's block. Yes, I can SEE it already.
It MUST feel a little bit like playing "dolls". Getting to dress them up, feed them...little stretch about changing them. Unless you had one of those real-life baby dolls when you were little like my daughter did. So tiny but SO perfectly formed.
Charles said to tell Jon he SURE is glad they both took after YOU and not him!
What a different Christmas you'll have. You'll avoid the traffic and frustration of the malls but that's kind'a exciting, too.
There's no option here. Those babies are priority. You are the Mama and you...and WE...only want those precious peeps to stay well.
We can wait if you'll post a pic occasionally. But, I sure am anxious to rock a baby!
Received the picture announcement today and it's now gracing my refrigerator. Gorgeous. Y'all really showed out here.
May God continue to bless & keep you all in His care,
Thank you, Amanda, for the gorgeous pictures. I took their picture to the office today and showed whoever would look. Of course, everyone looks, then looks again with admiration and plenty of compliments. Wow, what joy!
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