Sunday, November 18, 2007

Good morning everyone! We had a great day yesterday. Jon had some real bonding time with James and Audrey. He babysat yesterday afternoon and let me go to Wal-Mart to get some groceries and stuff. He is so good to us! He is also gonna babysit this morning and let me go to Trinity to church since I haven't been in almost 2 months. Shhhhhh.......don't tell any one the preacher is staying home! It will be SO GREAT to be back in church, with live singing and preaching. Thank goodness for cd's and tapes but they just aren't like the "real" thing!

James and Audrey continue to grow by leaps and bounds. Every day when I look at them it is so hard to imagine that they were ever in the NNICU for so long. Not that I have forgotten by any means, I will always remember how they looked those first few weeks of life. They were so pittiful. But they are getting so fat and long and strong now. When we took James to the cardiologist thursday they had to weigh him and he weighed a whoping 6 lbs and 4 oz!!!! The Lord has blessed us so much in our lives and He continues to do so.

Hope you enjoy the pictures, I sure enjoyed taking them!


Dana said...

Precious, just precious. I am so glad that you are all doing so well. You are such a good little mommy! I am glad that Jon realizes you need a little break every once in a while too! We love yall so much. I will try to call you sometime this week.

Becky said...

Aighhhhh! Is that how to type a scream?! My Internet has been down for the past two days, and I'm just now seeing these beautiful pictures! Remember, I'm in dial-up land, too...I completely understand your woes. I think Audrey looks more like Jon in these pictures. She looked just like you the other day! They are changing before our very eyes. Regardless of who they look like, they are absolutely beautiful. Keep those pictures coming.

su said...

May I just say that they are the sweetest, most delightful, gorgeous, children who were ever born. Thank you, Amanda and Jon.

the ladner family said...

i agree with everyone, but with one correction, i think they are AMONG the most beautiful babies ever born(including mine!!!) they are just gorgeous. Keep em' comin!

the ladner family said...

she has the most gorgeous lips! i can't see baby boys because he is yawning, I think?