For those of you who never got to see the twins in the NNICU, I wanted to let ya'll see just how much (and how well) they have changed since they have been born. We are nearing their 2 month birth day--I can hardly believe it. But sometimes it feels as if it has been years, not months. And can you believe that yesterday was their original due date?!!! We can finally say they are supposed to be here. But seriously, for those of you who saw me the day before I went into labor, can you imagine how utterly HUGE I would be had I made to yesterday with those kiddies still in my belly?!!!
Okay, see why I had James pegged as the sickly little mama's boy? I was so broken hearted because I just knew he was gonna be a shrimp and always get picked on. But uh, he had different plans. I guess he knows you can't be a sickly shrimp and play pro football! But he can still be a mama's boy, right?

Our little line backer has made the most changes. And I told him if he would not sleep
with his mouth wide open he would not get the little crusties around his mouth.

Bit Bit has only gotten longer really. She is still just a little bit. But don't let that precious little face fool ya. She can let you know who is boss. She has a set of pipes and is not afraid to use them, at any time. Seriously, she can make you think her leg has been cut off so you go in there to see what all the comotion is and she is just laying there screaming. No real tears, nothing and the MINUTE you pick her up she hushes. It is like she is saying "just checking"

This was the day that they got moved into the same little corner in the NNICU. It was so sweet and we were sooooooooooooooo excited. They had been apart for way to long.

Okay, I promise I do hold my children. It is just no one is ever around with a camera when I do. Or maybe I am obssesed with taking their pictures. Who knows. I figure this is just how it is gonna be for the rest of their lives. They will know they had a mother, it just wont be documented!