Thursday, November 29, 2007

For those of you who never got to see the twins in the NNICU, I wanted to let ya'll see just how much (and how well) they have changed since they have been born. We are nearing their 2 month birth day--I can hardly believe it. But sometimes it feels as if it has been years, not months. And can you believe that yesterday was their original due date?!!! We can finally say they are supposed to be here. But seriously, for those of you who saw me the day before I went into labor, can you imagine how utterly HUGE I would be had I made to yesterday with those kiddies still in my belly?!!!

Okay, see why I had James pegged as the sickly little mama's boy? I was so broken hearted because I just knew he was gonna be a shrimp and always get picked on. But uh, he had different plans. I guess he knows you can't be a sickly shrimp and play pro football! But he can still be a mama's boy, right?

Our little line backer has made the most changes. And I told him if he would not sleep
with his mouth wide open he would not get the little crusties around his mouth. Bit Bit has only gotten longer really. She is still just a little bit. But don't let that precious little face fool ya. She can let you know who is boss. She has a set of pipes and is not afraid to use them, at any time. Seriously, she can make you think her leg has been cut off so you go in there to see what all the comotion is and she is just laying there screaming. No real tears, nothing and the MINUTE you pick her up she hushes. It is like she is saying "just checking"

This was the day that they got moved into the same little corner in the NNICU. It was so sweet and we were sooooooooooooooo excited. They had been apart for way to long.

Okay, I promise I do hold my children. It is just no one is ever around with a camera when I do. Or maybe I am obssesed with taking their pictures. Who knows. I figure this is just how it is gonna be for the rest of their lives. They will know they had a mother, it just wont be documented!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

How cute is my son? I know, he looks like he is smiling but really that is a face from the flash that was to bright for him. But we can pretend that he already is a ham like his cousin Harrison was at such an early age!!!! His head is growing with such enormous speed he has out grown all but 1 of his hats so I had to buy some new ones and couldn't pass on the pooh! The large head may worry some of you but it is just a trait he inherited from the Mizell's!! Sorry ya'll, couldn't help myself. If he turns out to have large ears like the Bryant's I will allow a crack at that!

Below you will see my dear darling husband fashioning a tree stand. We went to buy the tree yesterday which literally went like this: We pull up into the yard, Jon says "which one, that one or that one?" to which I replied "that one" and he said "done" got out, paid for the tree, helped the man tie it to the top of the minivan and away we went. Jon had to go back to school so me and the kids sat in the van for about an hour (long enough for them to eat) with the tree on top of the van and all the kids pointing and staring as they walked passed us. Then we came back to the house, forgot the tree was on top of the van and tried to pull under the carport. Didn't get very far before we were reminded! He got the tree off, had to cut the tree again and let it soak in a bucket. Then we remembered that in all our haste of throwing things away so we wouldn't have to pack them when we moved from Gray, we had thrown away the tree stand. Since we are a GOOD 25 minute drive from anywhere that would sell a tree stand, we decided to wait. Today after school, Jon would rather be here than in town so he decided to come home and build a stand. Which in my opinion is genious and a really good stand but can't ya'll hear the banjo's in the back ground?! When in the sticks do as the hicks!

This is what James and Audrey thought of their first Christmas Tree! Isn't it sweet how excited they are! Ah, I am sure next year or probably the next year or maybe even the next year they will be dancing around so excited that the tree is in the house, finally!

Ya'll should know that the tree is still bare naked standing in our living room and will probably stay that way untill friday. But it has atleast made the house smell delicious! That is James getting a bath. They really love their baths . Audrey loves hers so much that she fell asleep the other night during hers! ATLAST we have DSL. I can't believe how much faster this whole process is! Getting on the internet is actually fun, something I will look forward to now. So ya'll can expect alot more pictures in the future. We even have unlimited long distance which is something we have wanted ever since we've been married. Some things are just worth paying for!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

What a day! I was running around the house like a maniac trying to straighten up before the Home Health lady came to give the twins their RSV shots when about 20 minutes before she was supposed to be here they called to say she wasn't coming. Something about one of HER kids being sick. The nerve! Just kidding. I know other children do still exist in the world. Anyway, she is coming next monday instead. I considered just stopping the cleaning and being lazy but I figured I may as well finish. But, 4 hours later I am sitting here typing and uploading pictures for all of you to see and still have not finished the cleaning. And now my babies are starting to realize (meaning the are taking turns crying) they will be eating in less than 30 minutes and I still have not gotten their "food" for this round. Enjoy the pics! This is Audrey's day today on the blog! Isn't she so cute!!!!!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Good morning everyone! We had a great day yesterday. Jon had some real bonding time with James and Audrey. He babysat yesterday afternoon and let me go to Wal-Mart to get some groceries and stuff. He is so good to us! He is also gonna babysit this morning and let me go to Trinity to church since I haven't been in almost 2 months. Shhhhhh.......don't tell any one the preacher is staying home! It will be SO GREAT to be back in church, with live singing and preaching. Thank goodness for cd's and tapes but they just aren't like the "real" thing!

James and Audrey continue to grow by leaps and bounds. Every day when I look at them it is so hard to imagine that they were ever in the NNICU for so long. Not that I have forgotten by any means, I will always remember how they looked those first few weeks of life. They were so pittiful. But they are getting so fat and long and strong now. When we took James to the cardiologist thursday they had to weigh him and he weighed a whoping 6 lbs and 4 oz!!!! The Lord has blessed us so much in our lives and He continues to do so.

Hope you enjoy the pictures, I sure enjoyed taking them!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Hey everyone. Don't have alot of time this morning, imagine that! These are the days when I really HATE dial up. Yes, dial up does still exist. We are WAY out in the sticks. The kids are doing great. James' appointment went well. Nothing new. The doc wants to see his EKG records from the Med Center and go from there. We have a follow up in 3 months. He really thinks the holes will close on their own from the way that they sound. So that is great news! Thank the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!! I tried to download a video this morning but the dumb computer wont work right and everyone is screaming so I will try it later. Maybe when Jon gets back I will have a chance to try it again and put more pics so check again later today.

Yes, I know my children are adorable!!!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

RSV season is apon us. If a baby is born 32 weeks or less then they are required to have monthly shots to prevent it. They had their 1st shots in the hospital and a nurse will be coming to the house next tuesday to give the one for this month. (They will come to the house every month) RSV is basically pnemonia for infants and of course, can be fatal. So the Pediatrician has pretty much quarinteend (?) us untill the season is over which unfortuantly isn't until April. Which means no church, no shopping, no Holiday's and no visitors. If they get sick they will go in the hospital for no LESS than three days. And we NEVER want to go back to the hospital so we go to the doctor and back and we will ride with Daddy to the Christmas tree farm for our tree but won't get out. We have to go and help him pick it out since it is their first Christmas. Yes, the Holidays will be a little lonely this year, but we have ALOT to be thankful for so we won't complain.

Okay, not to brag or anything, but do I have the most beautiful daughter or what?!!!!!
I can see a little bit of myself in these pictures, especially the last one. The outfit is courtesy of
Aunt Betsy. She owes me ALOT for all the outfits I bought Hannah when she was a baby and I
think she started off well, don't you?!!!!!!

How handsome is my son? Again, the outfit courtesy of Aunt Betsy. I love it because it makes him look like such a little man. I was getting tired of having nothing but sleepers to put them in during the day.
James has his first appointment with the pediatric cardiologist tomorrow afternoon. Please pray that everything will check out either A-okay or just the same. Nothing new.

I wish that my camera's battery was charged right now so you all could see what it is like when twins cry at the top of their lungs at the exact same time. Talk about chaotic! James can sleep through Audrey's little hissy fits but when James is making comotion (?) he almost always wakes bit-bit up which is what has just happened. So, I must go for it is very hard to concentrate when you have two babies sounding as if they think their mother has gone and forgotten them!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Daddy diaper duty! How fun it was to walk in on this site yesterday! I heard Jon saying "Audrey, girl stop it" then he would laugh and some time would pass and I would hear it again. So of course I had to see what was going on! Jon was trying to change her diaper and she kept going #2 on him! And a few of #1's. I think by the end of it all he used like 5 diapers and I ended up having to actually finish the putting on of the last diaper! How ironic this all is seeing how he swore he would NEVER EVER change a dirty diaper and now he changes as many as I do! Fatherhood really does change a man!

This is my bit-bit laying in her crib ever so peacefully! She really has the sweetest nature. I call her bit-bit because she is just a little bit! And boy does she have her daddy wrapped around her finger and doesn't even know it.
This is Master James. He does the funniest things with his mouth when he is sleeping and yesterday I was able to catch it on film for ya'll. He was actually puckering up to give his mama a kiss, he loves me so much.

Well, they gave me a little fit last night. Audrey's tummy hurt and she kept spitting up and wouldn't go to sleep. She would cry, real tears, every time I put her in her crib and that continued until she had a huge spit up. James slept soundly until his 2 a.m. feeding and after that he grunted and cried out all night, trying to work out a poop that didn't arrive until 8 a.m. where he proceded to do the same thing to me that Audrey did to her daddy yesterday. What fun 1st thing in the morning after a restless night! I am certain that now everyone's day is complete hearing about the bathroom habits of the Mizell twins but that is pretty much all that goes on around here for now! All systems are breaking down now as they are BOTH screaming for the 2:oo feeding. Wish me luck, daddy had to go visit some one in the hospital and wont be back for a couple of hours. He is my sunday afternoon nap when he gets back!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Okay, everyone this is the difference between boys and girls up close and personal!
This is how they always sleep, aren't they beautiful!!!
Now, for those of you who don't know and are wondering what in the world a papoopsie darling is.........
Hannah named the twins papoopse as soon as we told her Aunt Manda was gonna have a baby and it just stuck. For 7 months they were papoopse or papoopsie. When Betsy showed Hannah the birth announcement card (she did not tell her who it was when she showed it to her) Hannah said "Oh, papoopsie darling" and so that is where the title for the blog comes from.