Friday, October 5, 2012

Today is the last day of school before Fall Break!! Jon has Monday and Tuesday off and the twins have the whole week off and my daddy and Nelda are planning on coming in for a few days to spend some time with us while the kids are out of school. We are SO looking forward to that! It’s rare that we get to be together with out having to rush off to a church meeting so we plan on soaking up a lot of quality time doing "granparentie" stuff with them. And maybe, just maybe, taking advantage of having some baby sitters around for a few days!! Maybe.

Jon’s parents and my sister and her kids were here last weekend for the party so we are getting a little spoiled having family around. It’s weird how the more time you spend away from your family and the home where you grew up it gets easier. You don’t feel so “hollow” when you leave there but at the same time it’s sadder because you do feel different. And as the children get older, it gets a lot more emotional. Especially when they can’t fully understand (and who can blame them?) why we don’t live close to ANY body. And when they break down in tears when we have to leave a place. I know we live closer to my family but you still have to pack up and drive a good distance to get there. And you can’t just pop in on any body for any event. Georgia or Louisiana.

We miss a lot of events and our families miss a lot of our things. A lot of things most people take for granted. Birthday get together’s, recitals, Christmas programs, football games, open house’s, shopping together on a whim, lunch dates....the list could go on. Feel sorry for us yet? Good. Just kidding!! I’m not looking for sympathy, honest. Well, maybe a little!

Any way, we do try to look on the bright side of things. Be the Polly Anna of our situation, our life’s calling and hope that because we do miss a lot that means we appreciate being with our families more than most. And we appreciate and are thankful for the relationships and bonds we build when we do get to be with loved ones. That our time together is more special just because we don’t get to be together that often.


the ladner family said...

I feel really bad now ! We miss yall like crazy also. I do take it for granted that we can just pop in on people. I think you are right about the moments we do get to spend together are sweeter !

Becky said...


Nelda said...

So, you totally understand my feelings! Well stated...

Love that pic of your daddy and Livvy...