I'm not quite sure how the monster tunnel turned into a school bus but it has. And fine by me, they entertain them selves for long periods of time playing in their school bus. They are playing in there right now as a matter of fact and if I was smart I'd get off this time consuming computer and go do something productive today. Like fold the mountain of clothes that is sitting atop my bed waiting for yours truly to come and fold it. Or clean the ghastly play room that I am certain is going to take me to an early grave. (That room seems to throw up on itself every couple of hours!) Or, well, I wont continue. Some of you might think less of me if I told you all the things I need to do around here that have been neglected lately. My one and only excuse is that me and the kids have a little cold. I did disinfect everything yesterday though, so maybe we wont be sick for the next month. Score one for big mama!!!
There are SO many things I want to do....play on game night, ride the school bus, play outside. Ugh! That settles it. I'm moving to Shorsha
Can I move with you?
Find a HUGE house 'cause I SHO' wan'na come, too! And, 'manda, Forget about dust and disorder and have a good time with the babies. Clean tabletops and orderly closets and drawers aren't near as fulfilling as nurturing those toddlers. Just how BIG is that school bus...
ME TOO! Please, Mannio?! We've discussed this before. Jon can come home and home school me after school and I could just babysit all day. You'd have time to clean, be on the computer, relax....let's talk Backy and Ole Daddy into it!
I'm going upstairs to get your room ready now, Syney
Yeah, you know, I may be pretty new to this whole parent thing, but it seems like it would be awfully silly to turn down an offer like Sydney's! :)
Miss y'all bunches! I'll try to catch you this week to catch up.
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