Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Snow White's been spotted in South GA

The good news is that the kids are well. The bad news is that the mother is not. I have got one heck of a nasty sinus infection. I went to the urgent care on Saturday because my face felt like it was going to explode and because my husband made me. Of course, on my way there, I got stopped by a state trooper. My first time EVER to be pulled over. I didn't know whether to call him ugly names for giving me my first ticket EVER or to start boohooing like a little girl. I did neither. All I could do was stare and nod my head, I think it was the Advil induced haze that kept my emotions inside. Any who, the doctor at the urgent care said that I just had a bad cold and it would have to wear off. But he would write me a prescription for an antibiotic but I needed to try and hold on to it as long as I could. HA! I almost laughed out loud at him. As soon as I left his office I went straight to Publix to get it filled, especially since the nurse told me to take it there and they would fill it for free. Apparently Publix has certain prescriptions that they give you, for free. JSYK.

I ended up having to go to our regular family doctor on Monday because my right ear decided to fill full of fluid making me deaf in that ear. (Not good for listening out for trouble makers but definitely good for blocking out the screaming of 2 year olds!) I had to take Thing One and Thing Two with me which, well, it was just awful. I will give one example of how our trip to mommy's doctor went: while I was trying to get the phone off of intercom with the rest of the office(thank you Audrey), James opened a drawer, grabbed a vile of some type of liquid, actually got the top off and started to drink it just as I was turning around. I freaked because who knows what in the world could of been in that thing but the doctor came in and said it was just water. I thought that was kinda strange, to keep water in a vile, but I took him at his word and James is still alive so.......

I am slowly, slowly getting better. I think. As long as I keep Advil cold and sinus in me I can function, on slow. Oh and my 2 antibiotics, Afrin nose spray and Zyrtec. I feel like I'm running some type of "you know what" out of my kitchen! Today, just before lunch I realized I was all out of Advil so I threw myself and the kids in the car to run up to Walgreen's since they have a drive thru window. But thanks to the real, stupid, idiotic druggies out there who like to melt medicine and smoke it off a spoon, you can't buy Advil from the window. Because you have to sign for it and of course now a days you must do so electronically. So, I had to get out and go in. I looked like death warmed over, James was decent except for his boots were on the wrong feet and Audrey, well, remember I threw her in the car. And didn't take off her Snow White costume. THANK GOODNESS I didn't see any one that we know


Emily said...

Oh my gosh, I shouldn't laugh, I know I shouldn't (and I do feel bad that you're sick and all), but you paint such a vivid picture I can hardly control myself. James with his shoes on the wrong feet and the little princess wandering around Walgreens . . . please describe your ensemble for me too (promise it can't be worse than what I am imagining!) hehehe

Hope you're on the mend real soon. (And if it makes you feel better, I am NOT sick but it's 1 pm and my child is still in her PJs and I am wearing flannel pants and a sweatshirt. I laugh because I can relate, not because I judge! hehehe) Love you!

Becky said...

HILARIOUS post! Sorry to laugh, but this one is just priceless. Easy for me, I know.

I'm guessing your birthday was not among your favorites this year?

Hope you feeling better, btw

Becky said...

I hate're not you

Dianne said...

I've been starving to see/hear from you and the babes. Erma Bombeck had NOTHING on you, 'manda. The images! You do paint such VIVID mind pictures. I can imagine the scene at the drug store. Thanks for posting amidst the colorful chaos that is your life PLUS sinus infection (or bad cold)and ear problems. So hope the yucks will be gone soon.

Amanda said...

Stringy, greasy hair, dark circles under the eyes, a baggy ARMY sweatshirt and black "jogging" pants that are a tad too tight. I'm just glad I traded the bright green house shoes with little pompoms on them for crocs! It's hilarious, I know, so don't feel bad, that's why I blogged about it :)

Amanda said...

And Becky, it definitely was not a bday for the record book.......but that's okay :)

su said...

After all , tomorrow is another day! (Who dat?)

Laura said...

Oh my goodness! You poor thing! Hope you feel better soon!

Emily said...

Thanks for completing the image for me, Amanada. But, okay, maybe it IS worse than I was imagining. hehehehe Thanks for another laugh!!!

Sydney Sanders said...

Oh, Mannio! I hope you're feeling better. Did anything good come from your birrrday?!