I am feeling not so creative today. I am frustrated with my darlings and suffering from an extreme case of cabin fever. Oh how I wish Peter Cotton Tail was hopping down his bunny trail today! Only a few more weeks of this ridiculously cold and dreary weather, right?
James likes to put this colander on his head and call himself a robot!

The tin man! My children used to take a tin pan, wooden spoon and march and beat their "drums" to my distraction! Noisemakers abound in a household.
I'm so with you, Amanda. It's going to be so wonderful to get OUTSIDE and play in the dirt.
James has the most joyous, "juicy" face.
What is there to say except "Amen"?
Can a 10 month old have seasonal affective disorder? I'm pretty sure her mama does.
I am searching like mad for a cheap flight somewhere warm and sunny. Gabs and I aren't really diggin' this being buried under 14" of snow thing . . .
If I find a cheap getaway, you're invited. OK?
Too bad you all couldn't have stayed in FL a little longer. We have our A/C running right now (not to rub salt in the wound or anything).
wow sounds pretty bleak around the mizell household. Rt 44 cokes from sonic do wonders!
Sis. Dianne--bub's face IS the juciest!!
Emily from up North--I am all in if you can find a CHEAP ticket somewhere WARM AND SUNNY!!!! Although, my cold weather would probably be warm and sunny to you!!!!
Kelly--wish we could have stayed in FL longer too! We were depressed about leaving.......u could of left the part out about running your ac!!!
Emily from MS--you stink. There's no Sonic close enough to me for a Rt 44 Coke.....
ewwwhhh sorry, that's unfortunate
That picture is PRECIOUS!
lucky for you, when not feeling creative, we can count on Jamesy to come through!
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