Sunday, August 2, 2009

To exhausted to sleep

It's 10:30 on Sunday night after a long, tiresome weekend at the end of a long, tiresome Summer. I am so tired that I cannot sleep which I detest more than being exhausted. We have had a wonderfully busy Summer but I am pooped out 100%. However, I wouldn't go back and change one moment of these last 2 months. We have been able to spend so much time with family and friends and been blessed to attend many spirit filled meetings at the house of the Lord that the achy, grumpy, old lady-ish(no offense any one)feelings that I have right now are totally worth it! Like I said in an earlier post, we ended our Summer with a bang by attending Cool Springs annual meeting. We've been in Middle Georgia for the past 5 days and had such a wonderful time! But I walked right out the door when we left Wednesday with out my camera so I don't have any pictures from the weekend which shames me greatly. We attended 6 services and the children attended 5 of them. (They are still not communion appropriate right now. We tried that at Tired Creek and well, lets just just say it wasn't purdy!) Thursday night they were just horrid so old mama here went to Target, dropped a nice chunk a change and went to church Friday night armed with new toys and nummies to keep those little minds occupied! And it worked, believe it or not they were pretty much perfect little angels for the rest of the meeting!!Like I was saying, we had a wonderful time this week. It was so great to be back home with all my family and friends and get to catch up with them. I miss every one so much and it's like a little shot in the arm when I get to see them. Even if it's only for a few hours. Daddy was the visiting preacher this year so that made it just a tad bit sweeter!! James and Audrey had a blast playing with all their cousins and sitting here talking about it just makes me more upset that I forgot my camera. Arrrggghhhh.
Anywho, my dear hubs has to go back to work tomorrow. Bummer. I DREAD getting back into the old routine but I am looking forward to having a "normal" life again! Even though we have had so much fun lately, it's time to settle down for a while and recharge the old(and young!) batteries. Wish us luck!!!!


su said...

Glad to see you all back home safe, sound, and happy. Glad you had such a good time!

Unknown said...

glad ya'll had fun! did jamesy get him some new balances? if so they are so cute!

Dianne said...

'manda, blissfully blessed and wonderfully worn out. What a summer you all have had and I've enjoyed the "retelling" of your adventures.

Dean Martin sang, "Memories are made of this...sweet, sweet, memories are made of this". Amen.

Rhonda said...

Loved seeing you, and finally the adorable babies face to face. They are so precious and sweet! I hope that you can ease back into a good routine, and get some much needed rest. It will be fun to look forward to more adventures to come! God bless.....

Anonymous said...

Hey - we miss you guys around here!! Yeah - we really do.....madness and mayhem kind of grow on you after a while. Matthew cried when we got home Sunday night and Aunt Manda was gone. But Hannah told him he could go to your house and spend one or three nights. If he stayed two nights, he would get home sick like her and throw up.....go figure! LOL Bets

Becky said...

Love the pics!