Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Brace update

James is doing exceptionally well with his brace now! Even though he never fusses or complains (except for when he's real hot but who can blame him?) I was really not liking the brace simply because I didn't want him to be imprisoned by a piece of plastic. Those first few days were tough but the Lord blessed once again and by the end of our beach trip he was walking like he'd always been wearing it! I struggled up until last week with whether or not I should make him wear it at night time. I mean, having to wear it for most of the day every day gets old. Then throw in having to wear a bulky piece of plastic on your foot at night time when you are supposed to be comfortable. I didn't want to do that to him. But last week it started eating away at me so bad that we decided to just try it and see what happened. If he took it off then there was nothing we could do about it and at least we had tried. Bless his heart he never messed with it once, went right to sleep, slept all night and didn't even try to take it off the next morning before I got him up. He's such a little trooper!!His balance is much better now and he has a bit more confidence when going up or down the stairs with just one hand. He squats all the time now which is something he's never been able to do! He was out of it a lot last week since there was so much going on like swimming and playing outside in the late July heat. I was kinda concerned about that but I'm glad it now because I saw him squat down to pick something up which is totally amazing and when he would stand still, he put his foot flat every time which is also totally amazing! Now if we can just get him to walk flat footed we'll be in business!Thursday makes his 4th week with the brace and I can hardly believe it's only been a month! While it seems like ages since he first got the thing, I am amazed and so very thankful for the progress he has made!


Dani said...

Glad to hear it's helping, and maybe before long he won't need it at all.

Does A. really need that big of a purse right now. ;) Training her early huh?

Dianne said...

Sweet news again, 'manda. So thankful James is adjusting, as children are subject to do, to his new apparatus so well. And, yes, Lord, let it do what it's intended to do. The squatting, standing with his foot flat are rejoicing words. Save these pictures, I have a feeling if you don't he won't ever remember these days. God is so good. All the time. And, yes, Audrey got it going on. A girl needs a LOT of stuff! May God bless.

su said...

Just wow, and so very thankful..You -are- so -beaut-i-ful- to- me (can ya hear Joe Cocker singin?)

Sam and Nelda said...

He's such a little trooper! You have alot to be thankful for in that he doesn't fight the brace!!!