Monday, August 31, 2009

Quick Weekend

Saturday we headed up to Middle Georgia to spend the night with my sister and her family and for Jon to fill an appointment at a church there on Sunday morning. It was one of the quickest trips I have ever made back home but it was fun! On the way there we stopped at Popeye's for lunch and saw this sign taped next to the drive thru windowNow imagine the scene that probably unfolded to prompt this message!

Like I said, we had a great time with my sister and her family and we just couldn't get over how much Samuel has grown! You'll have to see him in person to get the full effect of his scrumptious little fat rolls but isn't he adorable? I got to rock him to sleep a few times and it made me miss my babies being that little. Note: I said Made me miss my babies being that little. Not that I missed having one that little!!The older the twins get the more fun they seem to have with their cousins. They can keep up better and their little minds are working on a totally different level then they were a year ago! It's so much fun to see them actually playing pretend together and laughing and running around like crazy. It's always loud when we all get together and it's never boring!!!
Eating their bed time snack of coco puffs!
Jumping on the trampoline. James wanted to get up there but he wasn't into the actual jumping part! And he didn't want to be up there with out his daddy!
My mom with Samuel

FYI: If you ever have an opportunity to have Jon and Buddy cook you supper, run away. Run FAR, FAR away!!!!!!!!!


the ladner family said...

so glad ya'll had a great weekend!

Rachel Mozingo said...

Haha that's so ironic because once when my family was on vacation my dad and I were bored and there was a Wendy's right beside our hotel. We walked over and the inside was closed so we decided to go through the drive thru on foot. Well it turns out we didn't have enough weight so they didn't serve us. :( But it was soo much fun!! haha!!

Rhonda said...

Amanda, you are so funny! Could supper have been that bad? Little Samuel has grown lots since I saw him at Cool Springs. He and all the other kiddos are cute as can be!

Sydney Sanders said...

Jon made good hamburgers last time we were over at your house ;) That picture of James with the cap on is SO cute! Love that little expression he's making. And Audge's action shot on the trampoline is cool!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, no kidding.....and to think they thought they were going to get away with that! No wonder we were drinking the pink stuff. So, I guess we didn't get off so easy after all, huh? :0) Love you! Bets

Amanda said...

the hamburgers he cooked were not made with questionabe meat though Syd!!!

Dana said...

Did I say I didn't want another baby? MUST STAY AWAY FROM SAMUEL! He is too cute!!