Thursday, August 27, 2009

Rainy day fun

Today was a rainy, lazy day and we thoroughly enjoyed it. I decided last night that I wasn't going to do ANYTHING but play with my babies today 'cause they are growing up so fast and I rarely take a whole day to do nothing but play with them. We were done with all therapy sessions for the week, the house is in tip top shape (well um, maybe not tip top but it's good!)and I made a huge pot of Gumbo last night so there's no more cooking to do. Besides I needed it and so did they! We had a blast let me tell ya! We played hide-n-go-seek, read tons of books, cooked lots of delicious soups, made towers, watched the Food Network (I'm tellin' you my son is obsessed with food!), went to the bank and ate cheeseburgers from McDonald's! We colored and sang songs and did I mention read books?! They took a really long nap this afternoon (ole mama wore 'em out!) and I finally took the time to make some changes to the blog and do a little "cleaning" to the computer! I really can't believe how grown up they have gotten lately. Especially James, he's really made some big changes and especially with his speech. Audrey has always done things to shock and amaze us but it's always been a gradual process. She started piecing sentences together a couple months ago so when she finally started using 3 and 4 worded ones, we were expecting it. We were thrilled beyond words mind you, but we were expecting it. James did it practically over night. One day you were able to pick out a word or two to know what he was talking about and the next day he was telling us exactly what he wanted. They have gotten along a little better this week. Not quite as many throw downs and their attitudes as a whole have been better. We are still working on the no pappy thing and it's going pretty well. James automatically throws his down in his bed in the mornings and Audrey is much more agreeable to leaving hers! I'm attempting the big P.T. next. (Potty training) We had such a wonderful day and I was reminded again of how truly blessed I am to be able to stay home with my children. It is my hearts desire to be a good mother to them and try to raise them in a way that will honor the Lord.


the ladner family said...

they are adorable as usual. Isabella had to watch this 5 times this morning and wanted the other pictures to turn into videos. she thought it was so funny! i can't wait to hear them talking in sentences!

Amber said...

Oh, they are so stinkin' adorable!! And look at the little man squat. Way to go James!

Amanda said...

I was wondering if any one would catch that, Amber!

Em, tell bella I'll put up another video soon!!!

Sydney Sanders said...

What little hams! Those pictures are killin' me...and then the video! TOO TOO CUTE!