After supper last night I got Audrey out of her seat and took her clothes off, getting her ready for her bath. Well, her diaper was already coming off so I took it all the way off and put her down while I got James out and started taking his clothes off. When I got his pants off I caught a scent of poo so I checked his diaper. Empty. Huh. I looked at Audrey but didn't see anything. I figured someone had just tooted so I started to gather their clothes up and make my way to the bathroom to turn the water on. But darn it the poo smell kept getting stronger so I checked the floor again. That's when I spotted it, a huge pile of partially smooshed poo on the floor. Lovely!
You should have seen me running around trying to keep Audrey from getting her hands in it, getting any more on the floor(she already smeared it with her booty) keeping James out of it and trying to clean it up all at the same time(Jon hadn't made it home yet). It was a site I'm sure and the bewildered look on my children's faces from me screaming "DON'T TOUCH IT" every time they moved was priceless! Of course right after I got it cleaned up Jon got home so he bathed them while I mopped the floor. At which time I discovered that Audrey had also tinkled on the floor in 3 different places! The little stinker! Mind you she did all this in less than 20 seconds and with out a single peep!
You made my day. I had to chuckle out loud. I love the picture of the lovlies holding Thing One and Two.
I love the heading too. Priceless.
that is adorable! don't you love it. just wait till they start potty training. you will be having more of those episodes!(sorry!) we love you!
p.s audrey's hair is getting so blonde!
hehehehehe (I must laugh at you while I can!) That's hilarious!
I love how girlie Miss Audrey is too - loving on those dolls anyway, not so much with her bathroom etiquette though! ;)
What a scream the images you create with your words...but, us "seasoned" mama's have surely done that. My second child and first son, Teddy, took his diaper off early morning, used his "poo" to paint the walls behind his crib...if the smell and the idea hadn't turned me off so badly...I wouldve seen the creativity in his "artwork". GROSS!
These escapades are much funnier in my past and your present!
I love the baby being hugged close to Audrey, too. She's got a GUT role model in her Mommy.
and they look so harmless in pictures!
okay I see thing one, thing two, and things 3 and 4 holding them. Too cute as always!
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