Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Baby It's Cold Outside

Jack Frost paid us a visit just a tad bit too early for my liking. I enjoy pleasantly cool days with all most too cold nights and I didn't get to enjoy it long enough this year. The weather has been so nice lately that we have been spending lots of time out doors which has been a wonderful change for the twins (and for me!). It took no time to scoop them up and plop them out in their wagon for a stroll and they had just gotten the hang of their Kangaroo Climber that Susu and Pawpaw got them for their birthday. Now seeing as how we have to "suit up" it will take a good 15 minutes to get out the door. We were only out for about 15 minutes right before lunch time and Audrey's lips turned purple and still haven't got the color back in them. And the child WILL NOT keep her socks on so I had to put shoes on her that don't fit yet so that maybe she couldn't get to the socks. It worked while she was in the wagon but as soon as we got inside off they came. I guess I'll have to start putting stockings on her so her feet will stay warm!
This day marks a special day in our lives! One year ago today we brought James and Audrey home from the hospital! As I've thought about that day today I just have to smile and say "thank you Lord for helping us survive!" We were so happy to have them home, we weren't frightened by their size or their constant need of our attention for their survival. Everyone was so surprised to hear that I stayed home with them all day by myself for the first 2 days but I wanted it that way. We had already missed so much time together. That first week I was too delirious with happiness to realize just how much work they were going to be. Oh innocence is bliss!
I'm glad we didn't have to pay for our water the first year of their life! Between all the bottle washings, clothes washings and "Jon" washings we would have spent a fortune!

Looking around I see how much my life has changed in this short year. I use to blog while they were taking one of their two morning naps in their bouncy seats at my feet! Now, over my shoulder, Audrey is screaming because she can't figure out how to put her shoe on and James is trying his best to climb on to his fire truck! I fixed my last bottle last Thursday night and I can't decide if I'm happy or sad about that. My pocket book screams "HAPPY" but the mama in me screams "SAD". Ah well, such is life!


Becky said...

Oh how fast that year went! It's so hard to believe. And no more bottles..........too sad.

Anonymous said...

YOUR LAST BOTTLE??? Can't believe they are where they are! They look sooooo big in their wagon with their sippie cups...

You've done an excellent job with those precious little ones. They are very blessed to have such loving and devoted parents...

Soon it'll be "Happy Toddler Days"...

Dianne said...

Hey, Mama 'Manda,

I wasn't expecting to see you here so hadn't checked in a couple of days. As always, you gave me a smile with the pics of the babies, face-to-face, old barn or something in the background, obviously enjoying their sippy cups...to replace the BOTTLES. Man, that's a momentous occasion. I remember that phase, too.

Are you starting to envision, along with 'bottle-less' babies, DIAPER-less, too? Seems these stages are like dominoes falling. One sets the other in motion. Next thing, they'll be waiting for the bus and waving bye-bye to you, then, graduation, driving, college, marriage, GRANDbabies. WOW! That's just about how fast it seems.

But, today, they're PRECIOUS little "peeps" and you're their EVERYthing. Enjoy the moments. I sure enjoy sharing yours with you.

May God bless & keep.

Ms. Robin said...

Amanda Grace,
I would call this MORE than a "bone" that you promised to throw to us every now and then........The pictures are precious......I'm with Dianne on the "old barn in the background". I love it. Maybe you could add "prize-winning photographer" to your already expansive list of talents? Like I told you at Church on Sunday, I look SO forward to starting my day with a glimpse into the life of the "happy Mizells"........You are precious to me........

Lots & Lots of Love to you and Jon and James & Audrey!!!!!

May you have blessings beyond measure today!
Ms. Robin

Emily said...

Please send some cold my way! 90-100 degree temps, no A/C, and one (sometimes rather cranky) pregnant woman living in a foreign country where she can't get all the food she ocassionally craves don't make for the best combination some days. I've never, ever liked cold weather, but I am actually looking forward to the frozen tundra that is Iowa in December . . . sad, I know.

I want more pictures of bundled up babies - it gives me chilly thoughts which are highly welcomed these days!

Dani said...

I really love the two pictures of them in the wagon! Too adorable.

Sydney Sanders said...

Mannio! It's about time! I've been checking the blog EVERY DAY, anticipating another post! I've been missin' them! :) I really cannot believe the change they've made over the course of the year! I love u guys!

cameron said...

Hey Amanda! It was so good to see you and your crew on Sunday! I love these wagon pictures. I can't look at those two without getting a big smile on my face. I hope to see y'all again soon!