Tuesday, October 14, 2008


It didn't take the darlings long to get tired of all that sugary goodness and start fussing to get cleaned off and let down. Of course they ate more of the icing than the cake and I was afraid that they were gonna be wild and cranky the rest of the day but they weren't. We were also concerned that they may not adjust well to ALL those people being at their house but it didn't seem to bother them one bit. They just acted like it was an ordinary day!

This was the only good picture I got of them together with their mouse ears on. I just thought those were the cutest things and they actually never tried to take them of which is unusual, especially for Audrey.
All the kiddos at the party. They were supposed to all be wearing mouse ears. Hmmm........
And I just thought this picture was toooooo cute. You can't see his face 'cause who ever took this (not me) cut his head off but Uncle Will is laying on a table and so are Hannah and Harrison. I wonder who climbed up first?! They must of been taking a break from all that hard work they'd been doing!

p.s. As a side note I thought you might get a kick out of knowing that right now Audrey is supposed to be napping. Instead, for the last 20 minutes she has been crying. However, every few minutes she'll stop her pitiful little wail and say "uh-oh". Really now, does she have to be so darn cute?!


Dianne said...

Hey, L'il Mama,

What SWEET shots of the twins. The mouse ears staying on is nothing short of a miracle...'cept for their guests. lol

How could James and Audrey be ANY other way than people friendly! Look at both DNA pools. Their Mama and Daddy are the products of marvelously close, large families. This was a naturally occurring process and fortunately so.

I'm feeling kind'a sick to MY stomach seeing the cake again...loved the party, even from this distance. Love you all.

su said...

Thank you for the pictures and journal. I wish I was there to rock Audrey

Becky said...

Keep it coming! It's gonna take a lot to make up for lost time!!! You're doing GREAT so far...

Amanda said...

Well I went into Audge's room after I got done posting to rock her and found out why she was crying and saying uh-oh. She had thrown her pappies behind her crib!! I think girlie is a smarty pants like her mama, huh?! :)

Sydney Sanders said...

Oh of course, Amanda! She's JUST like u!!! Who could ever tell that Audge is u and James is his father?!?!? and btw....nice, will...you're such a great example! :)