Friday, May 30, 2008

What was in that bottle Ma?
For some reason I am really good at capturing my kiddies with the "strangest" expressions! Any who, where does the time go? I mean really, where does it go? I promise just yesterday Jon and I were in the doctor's office watching the "way-outta-date-why-do-you-even-still-have-that-thing" sonogram machine (we were lucky, every time we went, which ever doctor I would see would always pull out the dinosaur to make sure there were still 2 heart beats) listening to the mid-wife say she did believe we had a BOY and a GIRL in my fast growing belly! We were elated but not shocked since Hannah had been saying all along that it was a boy and a girl.

Oh how we love watching these two change and grow. But I tell ya, it is sad. Every now and then my heart feels heavy knowing that by this time next year (the good Lord willing) we wont have two babies anymore, we will have two toddlers. Even though by the end of each day I am so exhausted that all I want to do is hurry up and get them to sleep so I can go flop on the couch and watch t.v. till my eyelids droop shut, I secretly don't want to put them down after they finally fall asleep. I always look at the clock and whisper to myself "5 more minutes Mama, they wont always want you to do this." So I stay 5 more minutes and take in the smell of their fuzz (we still don't have hair!) and try to memorize exactly how they feel in my arms. It is during those moments I am reminded that Motherhood really is bliss!

I mixed some applesauce in with the rice cereal tonight and Audrey didn't gag! She really liked it this time. I still had to play the game where you keep the spoon right at her mouth so you can push back in most of what she spits out so she can get some of it in her little belly! James seemed to like it better too! And he also got to try green beans tonight. He liked them, I think. Every time I'd put a spoonful in his mouth, he would just let it sit on his tongue while giving me the look of "Uh, Mom I know you are trying to help me grow but seriously, what is this stuff?" Then he would swallow some of it and blow the rest out. He never gaged or shut his mouth (well maybe he just hasn't learned that technique yet!) so I am assuming he liked it!

He was fascinated by the print on his high chair!
He talked to it for quite a while!


su said...

How i love your journal! It is the highlight of my day, and I always feel happy when I sit down knowing it will make me smile and just hoping ( never disappointed ) that you have posted again. You are wonderful ,Amanda.

Anonymous said...

That second picture down is hilarious.

the ladner family said...

that is adorable. they are getting too big, i bet they don't even remember me!