Thursday, February 13, 2014

Just a little something

This week has been crazy and it’s only going to get crazier. Tuesday afternoon late we had a church member to pass away suddenly. Any loss is sad but when there are young children involved, it just makes it that much harder. There was also another church member from one of our sister churches that passed away the same day so it’s been a week of loss around here. My uncle came and spent the night with us last night and we were up well past midnight and the night before we were up well past midnight since Jon was at the hospital with the family. I’m exhausted and I know he is too. We have the visitation for Bro. Jimmy tonight, the funeral tomorrow and that means I am going to miss the twins Valentines Day party at school :( but even though I am sad about that I know that it does’t even compare to the hurt and loss so many of our friends are experiencing right now. Life is so short and death is so cruel. I did get to go to the library for story time with Olivia today for their little Valentines’ celebration (good thing too since I was bringing the cookies and drinks!!) and it was fun. She had a blast, as she does with every little thing in her precious little world! I still had my camera set on RAW for most of the pictures I took but remembered right at the end to switch it over so I will share those two today.

Our life is so wild right now it’s hard for me to pick up my camera like I had been doing before Christmas. But gosh how I miss it!! Every time I hear that shutter click my heart races a little. I am ready for life to “get back to normal” for us :) Speaking of, we should be closing on our house on February 28th and Lord willing we will be moving on March 6th! I have gone through phases of being sad about leaving our current home of the last 5 years and being so excited to get to the new place I feel like I could bust! We are going to have some minor major adjustments coming our way with the “new” house. Like going from 5 large bedrooms spread through out the house to 3 moderate sized bedrooms so close to each other you could…..well lets just go with TOGETHERNESS will be our new family moto :) Not to mention we are going from 3 big bathrooms spread through out the house to 2 teeny ones side by side. Hey, at least there are 2!!! It’s rare to find 2 full bathrooms in a house that small so no serious complaints here!! But the trade off is the most beautiful, well establish yard out in the quiet country with a huge, beautiful sunroom and a family room with a huge window in the most perfect place to sit my computer at and be able to watch the children play to their hearts content OUTSIDE!!!! Oh and a laundry room that is it’s own room. No more having to pass through it to get to a bathroom. And a carport with a door that leads directly into the kitchen so no more getting wet unloading groceries or just getting out of the car and NO MORE having to walk up a flight of steps just to trip over toys trying to get to the kitchen with an arm full of groceries. Or children for that matter!

Till we meet again, my devoted 3 followers :)


Sam and Nelda said...

Look at those red fingernails, cute valentine blouse and darling hair!

You described the life...MANY times of a preacher and his family. God bless yours and all the families left behind...

DID NOT KNOW the closing date was moved up! YEAH... Enough waiting already! Perfect time of year to move with that GLORIOUS YARD!


Becky said...

Love that I'm one of the devoted 3!!! Sorry about the sadness in your churches, but I'm very thankful that they have YOU! SOOO happy about your new home. It's gonna be fab.
Thanks for FINALLY updating :)