Friday, January 17, 2014


Packing is going splendidly. I am now finished with the monstrosity of clothes that had built up over the years in our attic, kids closets and other random places. It only took me and entire week to do it. I will make my last delivery to a friend on Sunday!! And once I clear out this room that is supposed to be an “office” but at the moment looks more like a junk room, I will really be cooking with peanut oil. My sister offered to get my kids for the long weekend so Jon and I can hopefully knock out a great deal of packing (or sorting and tossing) this weekend. I take them to meet up with her after school today and then Jon will go fetch them on Monday from my uncle’s because he wants to go pick up a boat he’s been given by another one of my uncles. Great. We need another boat around here like we need another kid!!

I’ve finished my Downton binge. Well, almost. I have caught up to season 4 and I am almost finished with the season premiere. I hate spoilers especially when it comes to things like this; things that just aren’t as good if you already know what is going to happen when watching for the first time. So I won’t say anything about how I feel now that season 3 has ended for me but just know that it is eating me alive not to be able to spill my guts about it on here. Of course as with most television shows these days, there are 1 or 2 things that they could of left out but other than that it’s a very proper and respectable British show set in the early 1900’s. Again, if you haven’t jumped on the Downton Abbey train yet, please do so. You won’t regret it.

I was cleaning out the van this morning and the light was so pretty and decided that it wouldn’t hurt my schedule to terribly bad if I picked up my camera for a few minutes. I cannot describe the feeling I get when I pick it up (even if it is the new one!) and peer at my baby thru the lens. It was nice to be creative again for a few minutes. And I had just as much playing around in post processing. As you can see :)

Audrey (and James but mostly AG) has been picking me flowers since the time she(they) could walk and this is the little collection I keep on my dash board so I can see them every day.

How much does she look like my Audrey Grace in this one?!!


Becky said...

Little Bit looks so much like Audrey in that last picture!! I LOVE the vintage look of these...they look so much like pictures from my childhood.
I'm so impressed with your efficiency...DA, packing, mothering, wifeing,blogging... EXCELLENT job, Manny. Excellent.

Emily said...

I could literally eat her up!!!!!!!!

Amanda said...

Since she had on one of MY old shirts I thought it only fitting to give these a vintage feel. Cannot believe I just used vintage in a sentence talking about myself…..