Friday, February 8, 2013

Mardi Gras

James and Audrey (and Olivia too) went to their first Mardi Gras parade last weekend. And to say that they enjoyed themselves would be the understatement of the century!

Mardi Gras Day on Bourbon street in the Quarter is what most people think of when they hear the words “Mardi Gras.” And we all shudder to think of it because it’s not exactly a good place to be.
Well, we were not in the Quarter and we were not there on Mardi Gras Day. Just sayin. For two weeks prior to the ‘big day” there are parades all around the city of New Orleans and the burbs and my in-laws happen to live in one of the nicest places outside of the city in the burbs  in the burb called Old Metairie (did you follow that?) And the parade we went to, Ceasar, was in Metairie and it is one of the best parades of the season especially for children! Oh my goodness we had so much fun!

Even though it was sorta cold and we had to wait for a long time and we were all pretty tired, we had an amazing time!! Even Livi was waving to the people on the floats. I am still amazed at the fact that she hung in with us until 10 pm, even if she was on auto pilot. And again, a big thanks to her Aunti Ange who held her pretty much the whole time so I could get some pictures.

It was a quick weekend trip that we crammed a bunch into and we definitely can’t handle weekends like that very often but it was well worth it. A lot of great memories were made and time spent with those we love is always worth a little extra effort.


Becky said...

such a fun time!

Sam and Nelda said...

Love that you all got to have this weekend. Such a unique family down there in N'Arlns~
Great pics...sweet memories! Good for ya'll!