Moving right along. After the kids were done playing in the back yard in all the mud and water they of course needed a bath. Well they needed a shower first to wash off all the grass and dirt. And me being in the generous mood that I was in let them:
1. Take a bath together. Which is something we rarely let them do any more because, well, they are getting older. No further explanation needed.
2. Take a bath in our garden tub. Which again is something they get to do like once a year because it takes so much water to fill it up AND they always loose their minds in there and splash all the water out creating a gigantic mess for yours truly to clean up.
3. Take a bubble bath. I just never remember to offer that because bath time around our house has never been a leisurely past time. Ever. It’s always been soap up, wash off, get out. And hurry up.
Well somewhere during all that generosity my memory got a little fuzzy and when James asked me “what does this button do?” I pushed it. And they giggled and it made me smile that I was granting my loves some more joy. I walked out of the bathroom to go do something and after a few minutes I went back to tell them it was time to start getting out and this is what I found:
Audrey insists that this happened once before but I caught it before it got so big. I insisted that that was just not true. But as I thought about it for the next few minutes, I faintly remembered knowing this small but important detail about garden tubs: The jets make the bubbles expand. My memory is still fuzzy on exactly how I know this but my 5 year old daughter was right, i did know this would happen. I just didn’t remember.