Thursday, March 5, 2009

Home sweet....mess!

Well we're all moved in. We get our mail here. We sleep here. I cook here. We eat here. We bath here. We watch baby Einstein here. Not much has changed in our little family except that we now have many more rooms for thing 1 and thing 2 to roam around in and get into trouble. I chase these hooligans around all day long screaming "Stop that. Don't climb on that, it will kill you if you fall off. Son! We do no play with electrical outlets or cords! Don't touch that stove it will burn you Audrey. How did you get into that? No you cannot play on the stairs. Don't you want to stay in your play room? Jon!! When can we get more locks to put on the pantry doors????We are so very blessed to have such a spacious and lovely home to spend our days in and it's felt like home since the day we moved in. There are still a few things that need to be finished that couldn't get done by our move in date but we are just so thrilled to be living here! There is still a room full of boxes to be unpacked, not to mention all the things that got unpacked right after we moved in that have yet to find a home!! And it is next to impossible to get anything accomplished with two things constantly pulling things out behind you or clinging to your legs like stink on a monkey.To say the least things are a little chaotic around here for now but this too shall pass!!
James still isn't walking. He still stands on his tip toes on the left leg and drags that foot when you hold his hands and walk around. I took him to see the pediatrician last Wednesday because it was worrying me. (I was loosing a few winks at night over it.) Dr. Walker said he really believes he has high tone in his left calf and with some pt to stretch it out, all will be well. But and however, since James was 2 months premature he wants to air on the side of caution and have a neurologist(don't have an appoinment yet, still waiting to hear)check him out for nerve damage or other things that could have not developed properly since he was early. After hearing that word, I had a few more questions than normal for my dear, trusted doctor! He was very sweet and reassuring and told me to not loose more sleep than I have to over it. He really doesn't think any thing is seriously wrong because from the chin up he's so bright. I feel that way too but a mother can't help but worry about her baby. My brother-in-law who is an OT looked at him this past weekend and said he definitely has high tone. He asked a friend of his who is a pediatric PT for some exercises we could do at home. We've been slowly doing them this week(it takes a while to get used to "hurting your baby") He took 3 steps twice this morning on his very own!! He still was on his tip toes on his left foot but his right foot was flat on the ground! Now that is major progress for the little guy! James also had his yearly check up with the pediatric cardiologist and everything was great. His EKG was totally normal but the Dr. said he could still hear the 2 vsd's. By the time a child is 6, 80% close and 20% do not and you never know which ones will stay open or close up. Since bubba's were so small at birth there is nothing that can be done for them and they are not causing any problems so he doesn't want to see him back for another year! The Lord is still so good to us!

So in every picture my kids are in their pj's. Sad huh? But lately we don't get dressed unless we are going somewhere. It's just too much trouble right now and besides, this way I don't have to worry about Audrey's feet being cold since she will NOT keep her socks on. We were at Cool Springs this past weekend for their spring meeting (although this year it wasn't very "springy" since it snowed all day Sunday!) and had a glorious time. As my husband likes to say "Sometimes you need your spiritual batteries recharged" and boy did I ever need it! Anyway someone asked me how things were going with the move and all and I said "well you're all mighty lucky that we are here in church clothes!"In those last two pictures James and Audrey are eating taco shells. Audge dug them out of the pantry this morning, broke one in two pieces and took a half to her brother. Now you just can't get much sweeter than that!!!


Emily said...

YAY! All moved in! Glad to see back here . . . I've missed your youngins! ;)

They are cute as ever - PJ's or not.

P.S. Have I told you yet how impressed I am by people who carry multiple babies in the womb? Z Baby is beating me up from the inside out these days - I seriously don't know how you managed it with 2 little rugrats in there!!!

Dani said...

I am feeling you on the moving with little ones. Especially the living out of boxes part. Hopefully your little "helpers" won't help themselves into too many messes while you get settled in. :)

Anonymous said...

all i can say is wow...not really but its about time. those two are so cute, i am so glad mom will be able to help you next week!
auntie em

Becky said...

They get cuter with every post. This one could win an award. Love the taco shells. Hope Su shares next week!!!!!!!

Sydney Sanders said...

How adorable! I'm cracking up about those taco shells! So cute and sweet...I was so happy to see a post this morning! I've been checking for a new blog every day twice a day in newspaper at school (I'm so productive in my school work haha) Can't wait to see the new house! Tell Jamesy and Audge we love!

Dianne said...

Like Sydney, I routinely check here to see if you're back. I was elated to see your post today.

Pajamas are perfectly wonderful at-home matter the time. And, when the chirren look so sweet, who cares!

Wonderful that James is venturing out on his own two feet. One of my sons walked tippy-toes till he was grade school...not to worry, I was told.

Glad you're in. Unpacking, settling in, with two "things" ... eat that elephant one bite at a time. No one has a timer on your household.