What's the newest word Thing One and Thing Two have learned? CAKE! They really enjoyed eating the lemon cake that Grandma Su left over the weekend, so I let them eat one of those Oreo cakesters for "dessert" after their lunch. Boy howdy did those disappear fast!! (I think they ate it in like 3 bites) I never have let them eat a whole lot of "sugary" things like cake and chocolate and such. I mean, we all know that sugar makes kids hyper and lets be honest, I don't need(or want) any thing that's gonna make my kids more nutso than they already are! But I firmly believe that life is waaaayyy to short to deprive my beloved children(or myself) of the wonderfully delicious things in this world so I do indulge every now and then! Honestly though, the older they get, the less I care because it is pure delight to see their faces light up when I give them things that they know are a treat!
James has really started to enjoy tormenting his sister these days! We all knew she had it coming to her but sometimes it is pitiful so see the way she reacts to him not sharing and snatching toys away from her. She was really got the drama queen bit down lately. By that I mean hysterically crying when things don't go her way and falling to her knees and putting her head on the floors while the most awful wails escape her little lips. Just before they went down for a nap today, I was finishing up in the kitchen and they were playing very contentedly in the living room. All of a sudden I hear Peach's torturous wails so I went to see what James had done this time. Peach was standing in the middle of the floor holding a book and had the biggest crocodile tears ever pouring down her cheeks. James was sitting on their stool with a book looking at Audrey like "Get over it woman. I aint movin." I surmise that Audrey wanted to sit on the stool with her bubba and read a book but he wouldn't move his big behind to give her room. It must get old having a someone around that always wants to do exactly what you are doing!
Jamsey boy is totally obsessed with pulling his shirt up and pointing to his belly button.(Well any body's for that matter! I apologize in advance for any lude advances my son may make at you in the future!) I can just hear the parent/teacher conference now: "Mrs. Mizell, your son got his third time out today(his 100th this month) because he continues to terrorize his class mates by pulling his shirt up and showing them his belly button. He also has this horrible habit of licking random objects. Is there something going on at home that the guidance counselor should be made aware of?" Huh, who knew that kindergarten's had guidance counselors?!!
James has really started to enjoy tormenting his sister these days! We all knew she had it coming to her but sometimes it is pitiful so see the way she reacts to him not sharing and snatching toys away from her. She was really got the drama queen bit down lately. By that I mean hysterically crying when things don't go her way and falling to her knees and putting her head on the floors while the most awful wails escape her little lips. Just before they went down for a nap today, I was finishing up in the kitchen and they were playing very contentedly in the living room. All of a sudden I hear Peach's torturous wails so I went to see what James had done this time. Peach was standing in the middle of the floor holding a book and had the biggest crocodile tears ever pouring down her cheeks. James was sitting on their stool with a book looking at Audrey like "Get over it woman. I aint movin." I surmise that Audrey wanted to sit on the stool with her bubba and read a book but he wouldn't move his big behind to give her room. It must get old having a someone around that always wants to do exactly what you are doing!
Jamsey boy is totally obsessed with pulling his shirt up and pointing to his belly button.(Well any body's for that matter! I apologize in advance for any lude advances my son may make at you in the future!) I can just hear the parent/teacher conference now: "Mrs. Mizell, your son got his third time out today(his 100th this month) because he continues to terrorize his class mates by pulling his shirt up and showing them his belly button. He also has this horrible habit of licking random objects. Is there something going on at home that the guidance counselor should be made aware of?" Huh, who knew that kindergarten's had guidance counselors?!!
Amanda Grace~
Yes, Ms Robin...I call her that too!) I still say that you might even make a fortune some day by publishing your blog into a book..."The Life and Times if Papoopsie Darlings" by Amanda G. Mizell...
Anyway...what can I say? Perfect pictures of beautiful children posted at the perfect time to go with the author's blog...
They are soooooo precious! Audrey was WAY upset to be sure...and little genius boy was very proud of himself for getting the stool...and the pics of the belly button and the licking were priceless...
It was a treat for me to see the living room from that viewpoint which included one of the new rugs which looks pretty and very interesting...
Great job...I love you, nb
P.S. I meant OF Papoopsie Darlings...:-(
The glass is half full...not half empty. Shirt up is MUCH better than pants down. Just wait...
I teach Kindergarten and let me tell you there are a lot worse things than showing a belly button. He is precious. By the way, my 3 year old is obsessed with pulling up her shirt and saying "my ninnybobs" (that's what my mom calls them) Lovely!!!!
Love, Sister Amanda McCook
Macclenny Church
Aw-w-w-w, how precious are these little peoples! And, I agree with Anonymous...there's GOT to be millions of people "out there" who would wait at the newstand...same way I check your blog site EVERY day...to see your latest post! You've got talent, 'manda. You write so REAL and honest and funny and you can make my heart feel what your heart is feeling. That's a gift.
I don't blame you a'tall...don't save the beautiful lingerie for a special day...every day is.
so so so so so cute! they never fail to crack me up!
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