Monday, March 16, 2009

Afternoon delights

Audrey accidentally turned on our ipod player the other night and about blasted us out of the house. It scared them both at first but the tune was so catchy they forgot about being scared and started dancing away. Who knows how long we stayed in there dancing to the same two songs but we had the best time. Really. I don't know who had more fun James and Audrey or me and Jon!! So today after lunch they started whining for me to turn the music on and the following video is what we did for atleast 30 minutes before I MADE them go take a nap.( Jack Johnson would be so proud!!) Be sure and keep your eye on Jamsie boy, he threw in a little treat for everyone!! (actually peach did too!!!) And please remember him in the morning, we go for his neuro appoinment at 11.


Anonymous said...

AWE!!!!!!! How go sweet baby James!!! Loved the music too...nb

Becky said...

He took three steps!!!!!!!!!!! We're SO proud of our boy! Grab him this minute and squeeze him for us. We're praying for a good report from the neuro. He is PRECIOUS!

Although this WAS quite a treat, I think we're all in agreement that Peach really steals the show with the deliberate sagging. She would fit right in at Oak Grove.

I know that dancing memory will be one you and Jon will always treasure. We were watching old home videos last night and Sydney asked if that was all we did every day...just play with them. We said, yep, and we didn't want it any other way. These are the best days of your life.

Emily said...

Hehehehehe They are too cute! I had to watch twice. Does James' great big grin just steal your heart everytime or what?!?

Anonymous said...

Me and Matthew are coming to dance with you at Easter! :0) Aunt Manda, you need to change Audrey's diaper! Jamsey's head shake is too cute and too silly.....they crack me up. Love, Hannah Grace P.S. I love James and Audrey!

Ms. Robin said...

Way too cute.........I had to watch the video twice ! It reminds me of two little girls that danced circles in our den many times..........their names were Amanda Grace and Amy !
I love all of you SO much !

Amber said...

Oh my word, that crackage was hilarious!! And GO JAMES for the steps!! I hope the neuro appt went well this morning...I know first hand that those appts can be a little daunting.

Miss you all!!!

the ladner family said...

i have watched this about ten times...

su said...

Me, too, EM