Sunday, December 20, 2009
And a Merry Christmas to all!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
We were on our way home, late one night, from a church meeting and they kept dropping them beside their seats onto the pitch black floor of the van. They would scream like someone was dragging them along side the van while we were barreling down the highway "Pappy, pappy! I drop my pappy!" Which meant I had to keep turning around to find those stupid things. Grrrrr. (My blood pressure is raising right now just remembering that night.) I was so put out with the whole situation by the time they finally fell asleep, I think there was actual smoke coming from my ears. I almost threw them out the window right then and there. (The pappies that is, not the children!) Seriously, I had had it. I was soooo over it and made up my mind that we were going to start the process on Monday of getting rid of those stupid things.
I started by taking it away at nap time and boy howdy they didn't like that little arrangement. I am sure our neighbors thought I was hanging them by their toe nails. They never went to sleep that afternoon and the next day we had a bad morning that involved a shady mechanic and an oil change that lasted for TWO HOURS. I caved and let them have it and then remembered that Thanksgiving was only 2 days away and knew that no one (especially me and their daddy) wanted to spend that holiday with two very cranky children. I stopped Operation: Get rid of the pappy, till the next week. I was sharing my woes that first Monday on fb and got a few good tips about cutting a little off the nipple of the pappy every day. The idea was that eventually the pappy would be so 'broken' that they wouldn't want it any more. You know, instead of just taking it away from them. Sounded like a good thing try so I did. Except, now looking back at it, I cut off a little too much that first go around. No wonder they were so pitiful that afternoon. They really were, they didn't get angry (not at first any way!)they were just crying "Pappy broke. Mommy, pappy broke. Fix it, fix it." After a few visits to their room, I had them convinced that I was sorry but their was nothing I could do about their pappies being broke. I know, cruel, right?
When their daddy got home, they told him all about their pappies being broke. Surprisingly enough, they didn't ask him to fix them. I was a little worried about that one, you know, 'cause daddy's can fix anything! They went on their merry little way and when bed time came around they did just fine. They whined a little about it being broken but fell asleep any way.
After a few days of that I figured they were ready to take the plunge so I asked James one day before nap time "If pappy is broken don't you think we should throw it in the trash?" He agreed and handed it over to me to "throw in the trash" (I kept it. I'm sentimental that way) and since that day, about 2 weeks ago, pappy has only been mentioned in those weakest moments. I.E. getting hurt, extremely tired, or not feeling good. It took Audrey a day or two more to get to the "trash" place but she did. I haven't heard a single peep from her about it. Well maybe a few times in those moments of despair! All in all this whole operation was NOT AT ALL what I was expecting. I was expecting a couple weeks of throw downs and sleepless afternoons and nights, especially from Audrey. But once again my children have proven me wrong. James may have been more logical about the 'broken' pap but he had the hardest time biding it farewell. They each have their fare share of animals and blankets to sleep with at night but at least those items are LARGE and can be found easily in the dark!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Parade and early Christmas
Then last weekend we headed up to Middle GA, again, to go to a church meeting and celebrate an early Christmas with my daddy and Nelda. It was lots of fun, crazy, but lots of fun! Audrey came down with some sort of stomach virus on the way to Betsy's from church Friday night and vomited 4 times in the van. (Really good excuse for me to have the van washed, inside and out!) She ran a fever most of the day Saturday but by the night time she was fine, you'd never of known she was sick. On Sunday me and my kids went up to Mt. Zion to pick up Jon and spend a little time with old friends. What a joy it was to get to see everyone again! After church we headed back to Betsy's and proceeded to have probably the fastest present exchange EVER because Buddy had a preaching appointment and had to leave at 4:30 and Jon and I needed to get on the road by 5 to make it home at a semi-decent hour. Daddy was preaching at Cool Springs again that evening so we all left him and Nelda there in a whirlwind of wrapping paper and bows but with lots of happy memories! When you got 3 preachers in the fam, you have to take what you can get!
Monday, December 7, 2009
O Happy Day!!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Thanksgiving night
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Thanksgiving with the Bryant's
On Tuesday of last week we went up to Dublin to spend Thanksgiving with my family this year and had such a wonderful time! The day before turkey day, Hannah and I spent the day baking and making candy. She is growing up way too fast and has become quite the little baker! Wednesday was my honey's b-day so we made cup cakes, had a "surprise" party for him and then us grownups went to Red Lobster for supper while grandaddy and Uncle Frank babysat!! I asked Hannah what they did while we were gone and she said "We screamed!!!!" And daddy told me that James was asking for gum but it took him a few minutes to figure out what he was saying. When he finally understood him he told him he didn't have any and James said "Look in mommy's pocketbook." That story got told quite a few times the next day! My son is smart. Sneaky but smart!!! Samuel was the only child that got to party with the grownups!!! Then on Thursday we all went over to Aunt Jan's and Uncle Kiah's for the day. We all ate way to much but some of us laughed enough to work off all those calories! That's what I hear any way. Some people had to leave early to put their kids to bed......
These kiddos were stuffed to the gill and still eating when we left. Sheri fixed them some cereal for the ride home, you know, in case they got hungry!!We had such a wonderful Thanksgiving with our family. I just wish it could of lasted longer!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Another phase of their life
They love to sing and can now sing all the words to I'm a Little Tea Pot and The Grand Old Duke of York. They can sing their ABC's but it comes out ABC, WXY! This past Saturday night we were in church at Irwinville and Jon and I got the best present ever during the song service. Audrey and James have always liked to open song books and sit there with them on their laps for a little while. And a few times I have heard them softly singing in church. But that night Audrey started singing at the top of her lungs and James soon followed. It was the most beautiful singing we have ever heard. She was clearly off tune and wasn't saying any real words but the little angel was singing her heart out! During the last song right before preaching started and the preachers(including her daddy)were in the pulpit, she started singing again and this time every one in the building could hear her and turned around to smile at her. It was one of those "most proud parent" moments and I still get choked up thinking about it!