Monday, December 7, 2009

O Happy Day!!

On Friday last week James had his 6 month check up with the orthopedist and this time I left there with a bounce in my step, humming a merry little tune instead of feeling like the doctor had just punched me in the nose for no reason and then told me to "Suck it up." He watched James walk and was amazed that he was doing so well so soon. Then he checked his legs. As he was messing with the right one he proclaims "Well, he is definitely ALOT looser than he was last time." I piped up with "Uh, you do know it's his LEFT leg?" He looked up at me with a perplexed look on his face and said "Wow. That goes to show how great he really is doing if I couldn't tell which one it was this time." Then he tells me the best news I've heard in a looong time, that James only needs to wear his brace for a couple hours a day now!!!! WoooHooo!!!No more 24/7 brace wearing little boy around here! Of course, like I've said a million times before, as he grows, things may change and he may need to go back in it like before. We just don't know. He also said that it can be much harder to determine the outcome and the best scenario for children with CP as mild as James' but for the next 4 months he only as to wear it a couple hours a day. Just to keep that muscle stretched out.

I headed straight for the mall when we left the orthopedist's office to buy my baby boy some new shoes. THAT ARE BOTH THE SAME SIZE!!! He's so cute and utterly delighted to have new shoes!
We are so thankful to the Lord for this good news and we give all the praise and glory to Him.We are so thankful to the Lord for blessing him with such wonderful, quick progress. We are well aware it could be a much more severe case with many more obstacles to over come. The Lord has blessed James so much in his short little life and thru James, the Lord has taught Jon and I many lessons. One of the most important is how uncertain life can be and to always "be content in what ever state we find ourselves."


Sydney Sanders said...

What a blessing! Now show me a video of him ;)

Amanda said...

The more you people harass me about videos, the longer it's gonna be........

Dianne said...

'manda, the stockings are hung by the chimney with care...and James is curious enough and a mini-engineer; he can get them if he really wants. I knew the good news but I love the expounded version. Your words are almost as good as the V-word.

Becky said...


Becky said...

...and thank you for letting him play with the snow globe.

su said...

That news is all i need or want for Christmas.

Amanda said...

Becky, I found that snow globe (or glove as he calls it!) at Lowes and it is plastic and when it plays music it blows snow! I got them both one and it is by far the best $20 bucks I've spent all year!

Sister Dianne, what's the V-word? My memory fails me......

Dianne said...

That "V" word is what you were scolding folks about..."the more you people harass me about videos, the longer it's gonna be...." (-:

Emily said...

What a wonderful blessing! So excited for James and all his progress!