Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thanksgiving with the Bryant's

A little late on the Thanksgiving post, I know, but when we got back from my sister's we hit the ground running and have just slowed down. Only for a few days though!

On Tuesday of last week we went up to Dublin to spend Thanksgiving with my family this year and had such a wonderful time! The day before turkey day, Hannah and I spent the day baking and making candy. She is growing up way too fast and has become quite the little baker! Wednesday was my honey's b-day so we made cup cakes, had a "surprise" party for him and then us grownups went to Red Lobster for supper while grandaddy and Uncle Frank babysat!! I asked Hannah what they did while we were gone and she said "We screamed!!!!" And daddy told me that James was asking for gum but it took him a few minutes to figure out what he was saying. When he finally understood him he told him he didn't have any and James said "Look in mommy's pocketbook." That story got told quite a few times the next day! My son is smart. Sneaky but smart!!! Samuel was the only child that got to party with the grownups!!! Then on Thursday we all went over to Aunt Jan's and Uncle Kiah's for the day. We all ate way to much but some of us laughed enough to work off all those calories! That's what I hear any way. Some people had to leave early to put their kids to bed......

This was the first Thanksgiving my kids have spent with the Bryant's and man did they charm some socks off!! James started asking people for gum early on and by the end of the night the only one that had any left was David and all he had was Big Red. Audrey didn't want any part of that kind of gum but James would chew it a little bit, then spit it in his hand and say "It burns." Then he'd put it back in and chew for a while longer!It was hard to get all the kids to be still for this picture so I had to take what I could get!

These kiddos were stuffed to the gill and still eating when we left. Sheri fixed them some cereal for the ride home, you know, in case they got hungry!!We had such a wonderful Thanksgiving with our family. I just wish it could of lasted longer!


Sydney Sanders said...

I'm still laughing that Bro. Sam and Uncle Frank BABYSAT!!!

Becky said...

sweet, but I'm sooooo jealous of those Bryants