Thursday, December 18, 2008

Daddy's girl

Last night I saw my husband grow about 10 feet tall. Audrey was sitting in my lap reading(as she has been doing constantly for the last 2 weeks)and Jon leaned down and said to her "give daddy kisses". As we watched in shock and disbelief, she lifted her little chin and opened her mouth to gave her daddy a kiss!!! Oh, if only I'd had my camera to catch that precious moment and the beaming look on my husbands face. He got her to do it 3 more times so it wasn't a fluke, she knew what she was doing! Those are the moments that really make life count!!
As I said before, Audrey has been obsessed with reading lately. So much so that she reads while she snacks and last night I had to let her take a book to bed with her. She had a kung-foo grip on that thing! So all you family out there, be prepared to read, read, read and read some more to my little peach over Christmas Holidays!!!! I'm not sure how she got back there, but she got stuck

Looking at the puppy

Santa and Mrs. Clause


Dianne said...

Oh, my heart is crunching big time. Small miracles...Daddy's first bonafide kiss. And, Audrey in her little green velvet and James at the beautiful.

I LOVE it that Audrey is a reading fan. All my children were blessed with that love and it enhances their little minds and opens up worlds they may never see.

You gave me another wonderful gift with this. Thank you, Little Sister, for being so loyal to share your blessings with me.

Becky said...

I need one of those kisses!! Thanks for the hats, too.

Dana said...

The moment that Jon has been waiting for!! I love it. Your little wiggle worm can get anywhere can't she! You will never know how much good it does me to see your two beautiful children after all that you went through. You are an amazing mother and an encouragement to me! Thanks for being such a great friend!

su said...

Wish I coulda been there for that scene. Thanks for painting an mighty beautiful picture.