Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Somebody stop 'em!!!

Thing one and Thing two are on the prowl these days. Nothing is sacred any more. If you come visit us, don't wear your nice clothes. If you baby sit them, put all your valuables away! Seriously folks, having twin infants was a breeze compared to 14 month olders. If you don't lock it, put it up (and I mean waaaayyy up) hide it or stuff it some where, they will find it. Thank heavens they are not destroyers, just huge mess makers. Wait. I take that back; this morning they some how got ahold of a Christmas card, ripped it to pieces and then ate most of those pieces! All eyes must be on them at all times and if my eyes can't be on them, I have to have my hearing aids turned up to extra sensitive so that I can detect any "wrong doing current" going on in the next room. Boy howdy what am I gonna do in a bigger house?Not only are they into everything, they are doing new things almost every minute of the day! This week James has taken the word "twin" to heart and is copying everything that Audrey does. I guess he got tired of watching her have all the fun! He learned that backing down the step- down is the painless way to go! He can walk around what ever he is pulled up on now and he has 6 teeth; 4 on top and 2 on bottom. Audrey plays pee-pie (no idea how to spell that one) can walk pretty much any where she goes now and can climb on top of the leap frog table. She is still the funniest little bird and unfortunately for her, watching her is like watching home videos of myself when I was little. She screams if James tries to take something away from her, she gets so frustrated when she is trying to get somewhere and can't. Yesterday we were outside and she kept tipping over when she'd try to walk. She'd get so mad and kick those legs and screech, but she kept trying till she made it. One time she had fallen over like 5 times while trying to walk and decided that she could get there easier by backing up. She is so funny! She did that in church a few Sunday's ago. She was trying to get out in the aisle and my leg was blocking her. She figured that her head couldn't fit under my leg so she turned around and scooted feet first into the aisle! She's definitlythe mischievous one of the two!We are trying to learn to eat off plates.......................
it's not going so well!!!


su said...

Oh, how I love your posts! It is so heartwarming and joyous and oh, I could go on and on.

Beth said...


The twins are cute as ever and so are you stories! When you figure out how to get them to eat off of plates, let me know. I have a 12 month old who is a HUGE mess maker. The other day I saw a plate online somewhere with suction cups on the bottom, maybe that would work! This stage is way more work than infants!

Emily said...

I am getting soooo excited to come see y'all! :) These posts are feeling like such a tease these days!

Dianne said...

I love how you write, 'manda... Seriously! These phases in which you describe so poignantly, so humorously, so accurately, well, what us seasoned mothers can relate to so well.

Seeing you all Sunday night was a treat. I have said that James and Audrey, viewed here, are the most beautiful children. The pictures you post here are just startling in their clarity and the babies breathtaking. Seeing them, holding them, watching their antics in person ... they're even more precious in person. I loved participating.

Happiest children! Sweetest parents! We love you all BIG!

Becky said...

Classic post!

Ms. Robin said...

A day in the life of Amanda so making me smile these days.............I love reading your blog. You make me smile without even trying, Little Mama. :)
I love you.