Yesterday afternoon Jon and I were blessed once again
"abundantly above all that we could ask or think" and purchased our new home! We were nervous and excited all at the same time. Nervous because we were fixing to sign the next 30 years of our lives away to the government and excited because we would finally have some where of our very own to call home here in SWGA after 16 months.

A short story on how the Lord blessed us to find this house. We started looking for a home to call our own back in late February of this year and must have looked at 50-75 houses over the course of several months. But they were either seriously over priced or just plain awful. We knew we didn't want to settle for just anything since it seemed any home we were going to end up buying would come with a hefty price tag. So we figured out our max budget and things that were really important to us (like square footage, # of bedrooms and bathrooms) and stood firm. Even though sticking to our guns was extremely discouraging at times, trust me when I say it paid off in the end! At the beginning of the Summer we had a huge set back, well what we thought was huge and we decided to take a break from the daunting task of house hunting to build our credit some and enjoy lots of road trips and start back "hunting" in the Fall.

Because of this nagging fear I had of passing up a great deal, I would look at the MLS listings for our county every couple weeks but still nothing was panning out. Jon and I had to give each other many, many pep talks during this time and we said lots of prayers as well. We had one of these talks one evening in mid-August and both said how we felt the Lord was going to provide for our request soon. Well, that very next day I got on the MLS site and typed in my usual answers (by the way, with our price range and bath/bed quantities there was never more than 4 houses that were pulled for me to look at!). So imagine my excitement when this HUGE house with plenty bath's and bedrooms popped up. When I saw the price though I knew there was a catch somewhere but I couldn't pass on the square footage. So I called our agent, had her set up the appointment and called Jon at school and told him to meet me at what was possibly our new house!

I cannot even describe to you how horrible this place was on the inside. It looked as if some drug dealer had ransacked the entire house(come to find out later, that's basically what happened). I mean there was so much junk and trash every where you could hardly walk and the stench was horrific through out the house which was later linked to the litter box we found up stairs. But being Mizell's we weren't immediately turned off because we saw the incredible potential it had to be the house of our dreams. We decided to pray about it and then decide if we wanted make an offer. The next day on our way to Florida for the weekend after talking about it for a few minutes we felt a great sense of urgency to call immediately and have our agent put in an offer. After a few calls we learned that there was another offer about to be made so we breathed a sigh of relief that we didn't hesitate any longer than we did. After what seemed like a million phone calls and emails that next week they finally accepted our offer!

I just wanted to share with everyone another way that the Lord has blessed our lives together. A good lesson in learning that the Lord always provides and always answers prayer. He may not provide what you want because "His ways are not our ways" and sometimes His answer may be "no" but He always provides. You know, we were so discouraged in the Summer because we had that big set back. But it wasn't a set back. It was simply the Lord telling us to wait on Him.
I mentioned before as Mizell's we saw potential in the house. What I really meant was that as Mizell's we dig a diy challenge. And we've bitten off a big chunk with this one! The house is much bigger than the last one we remodeled and there are two MAJOR time factors we face now: Jon's job and two children! Over the next few months most of my time(when I can find babysitters) and Jon's spare time will be focused on the house. So...........I won't be blogging even close to what I have been doing. But I promise to throw y'all a bone at least once a week!