Monday, April 11, 2016

Purple Mysterious

There once was a little girl who would argue with a sign post. Who’s legs were always to tired to walk. Who’s arms were always to short to carry things. Who’s temper more often than not would get the better of her. But she was never afraid to try new things. She was always up for anything.

This little girl was always asking hard questions about Heaven and God and angels; questions that left her mother wondering if she really knew what she was saying when she would try and answer.

This little girl still wakes up in the middle of the night most nights and comes down stairs in the dark to climb in the bed with her mama. She tucks her cold feet into the warmth of her mama’s back and sometimes even asks her mama to hold her hand.

This little girl was also always trying to say hard words and more often than not getting them mixed up. Like purple mysterious for purple Wisteria. 

This little girl was also always listening to sermons and giving commentary. She looked up at her mother yesterday after her father said that we are all gentiles and spiritual Jews and said “Nu uh Mama, we are all Americans.”

This little girl despises being alone. She would rather go to sleep than have to play by her self. She also can’t stand to do school. Complains that it is too hard and it makes her hand tired. Her mother is beginning to think Kindergarten is either going to be a disaster or a disaster!!

Oh how this little girl lights up any room she is in. Her smile and her laugh are infectious. And most days her Mother (and Father) have to fight the urge to just roll up and be putty in her hand. She loves to help her mama with dusting and sweeping and washing dishes. Funny how her arms are never to tired to do the things she likes. She adores her older sister (although that older sister is getting a little too bossy these days) and she desperately misses her brother when he is not at home. Even if she can pick a fight with him quicker than you can say BOO!!

But most of all there once was a little girl who was loved all the way to the moon and back a thousand times.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

I’ve been looking for Him

Today was Super Tuesday so of course I did my civic duty and cast my vote for who I would like to see in the race to the big house of white this November. Olivia of course was my faithful sidekick to the polling house this morning. I have the luxury of going during the time of day when I can walk in and walk out in less than 10 minutes!! As we were driving away she had a multitude of questions about what had just taken place and wanted to know who the President was now. She asked the following question: "Who is our President now? Swamp Fox? God? Or George Washington or something?" You cannot make this stuff up people!!

Also, Olivia has had questions for me daily about Heaven and about God. The typical "whats it like up there" and what not. Tonight at supper she asked her daddy and he gave her a really good description of what the bible says it will be like. She thought on that for a while and then looked up at me and said: Is God invisible? Cause I’ve been looking for Him.

I am choking back the tears still, as I type this. I had to come write it all down right away before I forgot. What a blessing this child is and she doesn’t even know it. Thank you, Lord.

Friday, February 26, 2016


“Mama why do those Nums call Maria names?"

"I like Weisel the best out of all the children"

“I do not like to eat the chicken breaths!! I like to eat the legs!!!"

“I really like these chaladas, Mama!”

These are four words she’s gotten wrong in the last week and they make me smile each time she says them. Nums and Wiesel get repeated a lot since she is still thinking about and singing songs from The Sound of Music. I cannot bring myself to correct her. I’ve never been able to do it, not with any of my children. There is something so completely innocent about listening to children get words wrong. 

Friday, February 19, 2016

How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria?

Audrey has been asking to watch The Sound of Music for a while now so last night, since it was just the 4 of us, I put it in for a few minutes before bed time. Just enough to get them interested so we can finish it over the weekend. We watched up to when Maria first meets the children as I knew seeing those kids would get them interested if they weren’t already! Audrey was totally into it from the get go, James however, ehhh. It took seeing those kids...

While Maria was on her way to the Von Trap’s and she was singing, James put his hands on his head and exclaims “Why won’t she stop singing?” I informed it him that "this is a musical" and he threw his head back with a big groan and said “I HATE musicals.” Ooops. Sorry, son. I’m trying to broaden your horizons. And you live with a bunch of girls.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Wisdom Wednesday

I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, 
people will forget what you did, but people
will never forget how you made them feel -
                                                  Maya Angelou

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

School Days

I have a schedule that I TRY to map out a month in advance with Olivia’s pre-school lessons. My lesson plans are a hodge lodge of Pinterest sites and a Bible based curriculum for letter recognition. I’m not following in my husbands footsteps and I actually write my lesson plans down. Not store them in the old noggin :) Bahahaha!! Some of you will get that tasty little inside joke :)

I digress. I am kinda nervous that she might be a little behind when she goes to K in the fall (summer, who are we kidding here?) just because the others have had a whole year of strict learning time. But, we are going to do our best and say lots of prayers!! She catches on very, very quickly when I introduce new things. After we had mastered her name I decided we should buckle down on hand writing. So at the suggestion of a good friend, I ordered the book Handwriting Without Tears. Let me just say so far it’s been the absolute best thing I could of done for her! The way its presented in the book is sheer genius. Literally, hand writing without tears!! So far she can write on command F, E, D, P, B and R and thats only taken about 4 weeks! Tomorrow we will start with N. I found a great website for some work sheets for tracing when we work on fine motor skills and recently decided I would throw in some number and shape work sheets and kill 2 birds with 1 stone :) She’s gotta learn to write 1-10 before I send her off! And she can identify most of her shapes but can only draw circles.

I love my school days with her. As long as I keep things rolling along and don’t make her spend too much time on one thing she is perfectly content and happy to do her “work” and will have a semi-good attitude for about 3.5 hours :)

Below she was doing busy work by sorting all of her crayons by color :)

Sometimes we play UNO for our math lesson :)

Today I wrote all the letters she has learned thus far onto sheets of paper that I taped together to make one long sheet. I wrote each letter multiple times in a different color marker and she had to connect each letter with the color. She really liked this moving activity!! We will definitely be doing it again!

Here she is working hard at tracing those numbers. Those painted finger nails and that grip on her pencil...

Monday, February 8, 2016

Independence and Carousels

Last week Olivia and I spent Tuesday-Saturday in Birmingham helping Granddaddy and Nonie pack. Well, really I helped them purge and packed only a little! Olivia was a champ all week spending most of Tuesday, all of Wednesday and Friday entertaining her self among the boxes, playing the Nook or watching PBS. On Thursday though her sweet Grandaddy took her and spent the morning and part of the afternoon at the children’s museum there in Birmingham and Nelda and I got their kitchen and laundry room cleaned out and packed. Whew!!! And then we took her to the mall Friday evening to ride the carousel. We worked like maniacs for 4 days but had a blast doing it!!

I had to leave James and Audrey in the care of their father for the mornings and evenings and I prepared them as best I could. I bought all throw away dishes and utensils for breakfast and supper. Stocked them up on their favorite lunch and snack supplies along with zip lock bags to pack their lunches and snacks in. I even bought them an alarm clock. LOL!! They were beyond excited to get one and to use it and Jon said they were up and at ‘em every morning when it went off! They fixed their own breakfast (cereal of course) packed their lunches, got dressed and were ready to go by the time their daddy was. (I may or may not of scared them into submission by mentioning the fact that daddy wouldn’t mind making them go to school in their pajamas!) and I was so proud of them! Perhaps slightly wounded that they didn’t seem to miss me or anything but at the same time so proud that they are becoming so independent. It’s what we are striving for, right? :)

However, last night as I was putting them to bed I went to set their alarm clock and they both screamed “NO!!!!! Will you PLEASE come wake us up?!” James said “Yeah, that alarm clock is SO LOUD and made me jump every morning!” And Audrey said “Yeah and can you scratch our backs like you always do?” :) I will admit I was slightly relieved to know they aren’t completely independent of me yet! >>insert smiling heart eyes emoji here<<

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

I make no excuses

I will make absolutely no excuses or resolutions this time because that strategy NEVER GETS ME ANY WHERE. You know it and I know it.

Olivia and I have been hitting the books pretty hard lately trying to get her little self ready for the big K in August. 6 months from tomorrow (don’t even get me started on that pesky school calendar) our littlest one will strap on a book bag, grab a lunch box and walk the elementary hall for the first time as a student. Waaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh.

We have been working on hand writing which includes learning first, middle and last name, and a few weeks ago we started learning our frog jump letters and she has mastered F, E, D and we are currently on P :) She knows all the names and sounds of A-H and days of the week and months of the year.

I try to incorporate lots of many different things into our school day because the child does not like to play by her self. Gee, I wonder why? Here are a few pictures of her working on her cutting skills and a little science lesson with dancing milk. Don’t ask me what the actual “science” is in the lesson. Pinterest doesn’t tell you all that.....bahahahaha!