Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Sunday night while I was watching my kids run off some steam in a church lunchroom, I actually felt a tiny twinge of sorrow for them. Me and their daddy were exhausted from our whirlwind weekend of church services, ordinations, baptisms and long car rides so I could only imagine what they felt like.

Friday afternoon when Jon got home from work we rushed up to Cool Springs for their winter meeting (and to see granddaddy and nonie) and barely made it in time! Then we went to my cousins just up the road to spend the night and the kids didn't get to bed until almost 10:30; three hours past their bed time. The next morning we got to spend a little time with granddaddy and nonie before we headed to church early for the baptism of another one of my cousins and his wife. It was a precious service! We then had church, ate lunch, jumped in the car and raced up to Gray to witness a dear friend of ours be ordained as a minister. James and Audrey only got a 30 minute nap so needless to say they were not very willing to act as they should during the ordination, so their sweet Nonie (my step-mom) took them into the cry room for me so I could listen in peace. After the ordination was over we enjoyed visiting with a lot of people we hadn't seen in ages and the kids had fun playing with lots of other kids they hadn't seen in ages.
We stayed at the church till most everyone had left and then went over to our good friends house (the newly ordained Elder and his wifey) and visited until our kids just couldn't take it any more. We then went to the Parker's home to spend the night and the kiddos didn't get in bed till after 9:00 that night. Sunday morning we went to church at Mt. Zion (where I had to take them out for most of the service, James actually fell asleep and slept for 45 minutes and Audrey had the most disgusting blowout, ever) and then jumped in the car and raced 3 hours South to Valdosta for church.

Now do you understand why I was feeling sorry for my kids on Sunday night? Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't go back and omit one single thing from our weekend trip. Not even if I could. It did make me realize though that they could get burned out, if we took trips like that every weekend or every other weekend for that matter. Even though they couldn't sit peaceably thru another church service, when we told them we were going to church again, on our way to Valdosta, they got all excited saying "Yay, we goin to church mommy." I don't want them to loose that. And that is why me and the kiddies are staying put this weekend, instead of accompanying their father down to Orlando, again!


Becky said...

Brings back sooooo many memories. J and A have a wonderful mother who is wise beyond her years.

Dianne said...

I, for one, am truly thankful and appreciative for your sacrifices, Amanda, in doing all the prep work, the living out of a suitcase, the inopportune bed times and meals and folks galore at so many turns, that is part and parcel of your being a wife to a minister and a Mommy to two precious cherubs...even tired. I so admire and thank God that you put a lot of behind-the-scenes effort into Jon's ministry. And, you do it gracefully. We love you all bunches.

Emily said...

I'm tired reading about your weekend!

(And tell James to stop it! I can't handle the cuteness of him with his hands behind his head in his carseat! How adorable is THAT!)

Emily said...

Hmmmm, maybe I should say "Just reading about your weekend makes me tired." The previous post doesn't actually sound the way I meant it! ;)

Sam and Nelda said...

Twas indeed a wonderful (hectic) weekend...Seems like our visits only happen in very quick blerbs and way too far between! We just grab our kisses and hugs and enjoy every second of what we can have..

I totally agree with you Becky! nb